My seminar went okay. Well, apart from spending a lot of it thinking that Danger was probably burning my guitar or sharpening the toaster ready for my instant demise upon my return or something, in revenge for me having lunch with an ex who also happens to be here. No one fell asleep, so I see that as a success.
Danger's posted some lovely pictures on his blog, so it falls to me to post some of my own pics.
Here's some very good signage from the council:
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I can assure you he is. And I've been banned from making groyne/groin jokes. So I'll let the juxtaposition speak for itself. |
And some good advice for Danger. Although I'd rather he stuck to the singular, not the plural.
The weather is distressingly nice - hottest April days on record. So it's totally sod's law that I'm stuck in rooms with not natural light, let alone sunshine, for the duration. Hopefully I'll get back in time to enjoy the end of Sunday with John and the boys. There are some people here who are seriously trying my patience. Others, happily, are very nice. And people keep asking me about my wife. Maybe I should stop wearing a wedding ring. Don't really know why I still do.
Now I should try sleeping - with visions of dismembered bodies dancing through my head.
If you want to avoid awkward marriage questions, yes, probably it would help to take the ring off. What time do you get to leave Sunday?
Well, they're not that awkward. I say I'm divorced. Which is hardly unusual in the job. Sometimes I correct them on gender, depending on how I think they'll react.
Would you like me to stop wearing it? It's only habit, nothing more.
Should get out at about 1-2ish, then about 2.5 hours on the train home.
Maybe we'll do the park Sunday instead then. Are you up for more frisbee?
...That's a complicated question.
Yeah, frisbee would be good.
Is it? You do know I'm not, don't you? Divorced, I mean. I am technically still in a civil partnership. It's not called divorce, it's a.dissolution. and we haven't been in the same room for long enough to ever discuss it.
Maybe we should talk when I'm home, and not slightly drunk.
Miss you.
...No, I did not know that. And yes, talking would probably be a good plan.
I thought you did. We're everything but. Nicky is my next of kin again on my file for work. I don't even know where Bry is.
Wow. Awk...ward.
You should probably go to sleep. We can talk about it later.
I know there's an app to keep one from dialing or texting while drunk, but not sure about a blogging/commenting one. I'm sure Mycroft could code something.
Great pics, DI Finchley; the juxtaposition of the advertisement for Danger's hotness and keeping off groynes is great (though perhaps counter to your own expectations? ;)). I always like to take pics of fun graffiti.
What the heck is that box with the "Danger May Be Hot" label anyway? A trash can? Why the warning then?
Best wishes figuring out what you want to do about the situation with Bryan. I'm sure there's ways to proceed if you decide to go forward with a dissolution.
Well, predictably the sleeping thing didn't go to plan.
I honestly thought you knew, John. I'm sorry.
I can find out where he is, I'm sure some of our old friends would know, ask him to agree to a dissolution.
But it doesn't really make a difference to anything - to us. Like I said, we did everything but go to court, really.
Lawless - it's a bin for disposable barbecues. And thanks. I guess I probably should, now. There was never really a reason to do it before, I suppose.
Sherlock, Mycroft, give John a hug. Seems like he might need it.
Orio, John, school broke up yesterday for the kids, so we were thinking we might come and see you next week - Saturday 16th onwards? But if this isn't a good time, just say the word.
Love to you both.
I'll let you know, Nicky.
John, please send me a text, or email, or something?
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