Sherlock is getting excited about his double birthday celebrations. The actual birthday non-celebrations are becoming more celebratory. There is definitely cake. And he wants an outing, of some sort. We might go to a museum or gallery or something. And he wants dinner or lunch out. And then he wants all that again, but moreso, when Mycroft is here.
Why not, eh?
Work is busy. Some of you may be following some of our bigger cases. Not that it's exactly my team, but big investigations - especially multi-national ones, often need to take officers from other teams to help. And rightly so.
There's a severe amount of demoralisation in the force at the moment. I've heard a few officers - quite senior, some of them, talking about leaving. Good people. The sort you need to keep. It's a worry, I'll be honest, and it leads other people to think about it all, too.
Anyway, have a happier picture. This is us training for our run. Okay, I lie. It's just John training.
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This is the picture in the dictionary under 'gambolling' |
And here's one of those odd beans we're growing. Beautifully modelled by Mrs H.
Sadly they don't taste as exciting as they look. But then how could they?
Mycroft has joined the shooting club at school. He now spends one evening a week blasting bits of clay out of the sky. He's enjoying it - very enthusiastic. Well, as enthusiastic as a laid-back teenager can be. Which is to say he's said he's 'enjoying' it. Sherlock is consumed with jealousy.
Maf is trying to lick my face.
I think she thinks your hair needs grooming.
My stubble? I'm not sure which is rougher - her tongue or my face. Or maybe she just thinks I need a wash. More likely.
I'm glad the running is going well for you both, I know exercise is supposed to help with all kinds of things but just thinking about running makes my knees hurt ;-)
shooting sounds like a very interesting pass time for Mycroft :-)
birthdays should be celebrated LOTS so I'm right with Sherlock on wanting two gos at it ;-)
It's going a lot better now I'm not so terrified we'd fail to do it on the day. I think I might buy some new trainers though, and run them in before the day.
Shooting seems a very...Mycroft past time. I'm not surprised he's taken to it. But he did say he didn't want to join the team, he just enjoys the sport.
Anything requiring mastery of technical skill and not requiring accompanying youthful over enthusiasm exercised in the name of bonding sounds like something Mycroft might like. Not to mention that he understands the practical benefit to it in some circumstances. I'm glad he enjoys himself.
These goofy photos you acquire to post - gamboling indeed! You are fortunate John has a soft spot for you.
The questions of police morale are complicated. As I say too often on here, my cop family members were not by and large improved as people by the job. It can breed an us vs. them feeling that in its extremes plays out in awful acts and worse cover ups. But there are so many more decent people doing a difficult and necessary and dangerous job. Public discourse in the States seems so simplistic these days. I honestly avoid the conversation because I can't make blanket pronouncements, which is all most people seem to want to hear.
Blurgh. Enough. Get those new shoes soon, so you're used to them.
All the us vs. them feeling here is police vs. the government. We'd be perfectly happy left catching criminals and sorting out the public's problems. It's the meddling from on high we can't deal with. The constant criticism as every resource is drained away by them.
Give me a nice straightforward criminal over a politician any day!
Jeez. Massive storm. Maf is under the covers with us
When I ran in the Denver marathon here, there were lots of people running cargo shorts (which very well might be an "only in Colorado..." sort of thing), lots of people slowing down to walk bits, lots of ladies sort of speed walking and talking together. So I think, even if you fail to be actually running for the whole half, you won't really stand out in the crowd that much, and people will still cheer you.
It appears that the United Kingdom is still united, or at least, it was looking that way when I went to bed. Hopefully both sides can find a way to soothe bruised feelings.
Hope Maf has been able to come out from under the covers. We could do with her to sit under our front window. For the last three days a robin has been flying into it, presumably attacking his reflection.
So, Scotland remains in the UK? I hope someone holds the politicians who've been making vague promises accountable.
Hope your robin gets over it, SH.
Good day to all.
Do you know, I'm all for the scots having more freedom to make decisions for themselves and I'm glad they didn't vote yes but I am yet to find anyone who can explain to me why the English are the only people who have to do exactly what Westminster decides, with no devolved powers, when the MP's who make those decisions come from all the countries of the union. I can't help feeling there's something wrong with that as an idea!
Does the robin fall flat on the floor, sings spread, after hitting the window like they do in cartoons SH? ;-)
I hope your day is going well gentlemen.
SH, maybe you could print out a big pic of a bird of prey and stick it to the window?
AnonyBob, I'm still not actually sure what was promised, but I think it'll take quite a while to shake down from this. And hopefully 16 yr olds will get the vote. I do feel that there are growing disparities between what bits of the union are getting, and think it needs sorting. Poor old Wales are having a tough run! Mainly every part of the union needs to be fairer across class boundaries, rather than geographical ones, I think.
We've already considered the pic of the bird of prey, but I like to have the light come in, so I'm just waiting for it to find another rival to scare off instead. No, Anonybob, it's not that entertaining - it bashes the window, flies back to the tree, bashes the window, etc. It's either extremely determined or of very limited intelligence.
I'm all in favor of multiple birthday celebrations! Is Sherlock having anything in school, as well as the two family dos?
I rarely drive, and yesterday I was reminded why--I was turning a corner, waiting for a pedestrian to finish crossing, and was rear-ended by someone who just Could Not Wait for mere people. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but my mom's car needs well over $1000 worth of body work. (Even the insurance company declared me not at fault, so we shouldn't have anything out of pocket. I hope.)
Have a great weekend, all--and Shabbat shalom!
Maybe both, SH. It's got me this far in life ;)
SH - I have been told (but haven't tried this) that if you put clear plastic wrap (cling film? not sure if it's called the same in the UK) on the outside of the window, it blurs the reflection enough to keep the bird from seeing a competitor. It seems a lot of trouble to try without a success story attached, but maybe if you get desperate?
Thank you for that suggestion fA, although I'm not quite that desperate - yet! Although my quiet, get up slowly, Saturday morning, has been interrupted by the arrival of the robin. Clearly his rival has moved upstairs. Or he thinks there are more than one.
Maybe he just really likes you and wants to give you a 'peck' on the cheek, SH, and thinks you a meanie for putting up a nasty piece of glass between you and him. ;) Seriously though I don't really have any sensible suggestions so a less than stellar one would be maybe you could get one of those stuffed birds of prey and perch it on the windowsill to keep him away. ;)
Is it going to be a whole birthday weekend of fun in the H/W/L household, if so then hope you're all having a wonderful time for part 1 of the celebrations. :)
Have a great day everyone. :)
we are baking his cake. A chocolate chiffon with salted caramel and dark chocolate icing.
And Sherlock really wanted a remote control helicopter, so we've been out to buy one of those. Well, to be honest, he wanted a drone. But he's having to make do with a helicopter. Because I refuse to have him terrorise half of London by spying on them with a drone. He's also announced he wants to go horse riding.
SH- It's all your fault for having windows clean enough to throw a reflection. ;-)
A friend of mine buys a remote control helicopter for everyone in the house who'll fly one at Christmas. (Obviously, the cheaper end models). They have great fun, even the adults. Half of the 'copters have died an exciting death in battle by New Year's every year.
Good call on the drone. Cake sounds delicious. Happy birthday celebrations, Sherlock!
Lestrade has been dancing around and spinning John off his feet because Arsenal have scored lots.
I would have used my drone to help solve crimes and things. And I DO want to go horse riding we should go somewhere next weekend where we can do it.
Well done Arsenal, then! For making Lestrade happy if nothing else.
Horseback riding sounds like a good plan. I'm sure you'll get to eventually even if things don't work out for next weekend. I'm also sure that John & Lestrade will try to make it happen next weekend if they can.
Finally a day that's neither raining nor over 90 F here! Hope you're also able to get outdoors and enjoy it this weekend.
I got myself a new puppy last weekend. We seem to be bonding well. But my last dog was quite old and ill by the time she died. I forgot how energetic they are as puppies. He's cute, but boy you have to be paying attention all the time.
What sort of puppy, Kholly?
Just been reading about smells and dreams..apparently bad smells cause bad dreams. Wonder if I should check John's not been eating beans on nights I dream about the place burning down ;)
It's strange what things can effect your dreams, the human mind is a remarkable and very annoying thing!!
How goes the evening? Relaxing I hope :-)
Those remote control helicopters are great fun. My daughter has one that shoots bubbles, but perhaps that's too silly for a drone substitute.
We have every fear that when he gets his hands on it tomorrow he will immediately go about putting cameras or something on it. Sorry, London.
AnonyBob - just glad that all those years I smoked didn't make me dream of fires! Guess I didn't have a sense of smell then!
Happy Birthday Sherlock. Hope you have a wonderful 9th birthday and the first of your many celebrations is great fun. :)
Let's hope the drifting smell of chocolate cake gives good dreams all round.
Have fun on your day out wherever you end up. :)
Louis Armstrong is a shitzu/poodle. He might get as big as 10 pounds, but he's still a puppy so he's only 5.8 right now. He trips over his feet if he gets running too fast.
Happy birthday, Sherlock! (
The cake sounds delicious, and horse riding should be fun if it can be managed. Have fun with your helicopter, that's a super-cool thing to have!
Once I was housesitting and a dove flew into a large window, crumpled to the ground, and started bleeding out of its eyeballs before it died. Hopefully the robin stops before it goes that far. Because that was probably the most traumatic thing I've ever had to clean up (posting this on the blog of a police detective who's married to a doctor is making me realize how sheltered from gore I've been).
Happy birthday, Sherlock!
You should investigate the legalities of drones, particularly of having cameras on them. Apparently it's this big grey area here in the States. They aren't very regulated yet, but lots of people think they should be. And I admit that the idea of having a drone with a camera on it flying around my house makes me want to close all my blinds. You don't want to invade people's privacy. If you solve a crime but the video from your drone isn't admissible to the court as evidence, what good does it do you to have it?
Don't worry, his helicopter will have to pass inspection before every flight. You can have cameras on board here, if you comply with strict regulations, but he's not going to. He has no need to have his own little spy fleet over London!
But we did stick a note saying '1milky tea, 1 coffee please' on it this morning and fly it into the kitchen so John could get cracking with the kettle :)
Happy birthday, Sherlock! I hope you're having a brilliant day!
Happy birthday. Sherlock! I hope you have a wonderful day :-)
Happy birthday Sherlock :-) have fun with your helicopter and have a great day :-)
Happy Birthday Sherlock. Have a great day! Enjoy the cake. Are you going out for lunch or is Lestrade cooking something special?
We went out to a place with sushi and sashimi and things and it was good and now we're going to have ice cream.
Ice cream is entirely necessary for birthdays! And you still have birthday cake to come. :) What are you doing the rest of the afternoon?
Oh Man U..what's happening to you?? :)
Happy birthday Sherlock! You sound like an awesome person and I hope you have a very good year.
Congratulations and condolences to the Old Folk who watch the young people get inevitably older with a mixture of thrilled amazement and half-dismayed disbelief . (or, maybe that's just me.)
Happy Birthday Sherlock! Hope the ice cream was excellent!
Happy Birthday Sherlock!
Happy Birthday, Sherlock! I hope you have a wonderful day and a great year to come!
KHolly - that's a cross with some unfortunate naming possibilities. Shitpoo? Still, reminds me of one of my favourite jokes..."Went to a zoo the other day. Wouldn't recommend it. There was just one cage, with a dog in it. It was a shitzu."
Happy Birthday Sherlock!
And yes L, the breeder was calling it shipoo and I thought really? How about poozu? At least he makes up for it by being cute.
RR - how you doing? Hope you haven't had any aches or pains from your car accident that didn't show up at first.
KHolly, I'm so naive? ignorant? I was thinking "wow, what a cute little mutt." And then you mention the breeder and I realized that this wasn't a rescue dog from a shelter, that people breed this cross on purpose. You learn something every day! I googled and they are cute.
As usual, hope we all have good, or at least productive, days.
All's well, fA, thank you. (I can't blame hayfever or weather-triggered migraines on a car crunch! :))
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