Well, I'm still alive, if not functioning correctly. And obviously at work, so this is quick. I'm going to get back to it at home and put a few nice songs on it, to give you all a festive kick up the arse. I refuse to be drawn as to whether I sun any of the songs last night...
Speaking of, it was a nice night last night. Always good when teams get along and can have a nice time socially. And obviously I'm a very generous boss ;) (and won't let them forget it).
Sherlock glowered at me a bit this morning. Probably because I was home so late last night (I don't actually know what time I got home, to be honest. Just that John was still awake.) Or possibly because I completely messed up his breakfast. Probably both.
We've picked up another stray for Christmas Day - DI Dimmock - Dimmo, he's working the nightshift on Christmas Eve, so I've invited him around to partake in some eating in the afternoon. Otherwise it's a bit of a miserable day!
I'm off tomorrow, then it's the long run in until I'm off on the day itself :)
The tree is remarkably intact (more than can be said for my thought process), and Maf doesn't seem too interested in it, although she is when the baubles are knocked by a passing hound, or when tinsel is dangled for her. When you tie tinsel to a dog's collar, as we discovered the other day, a huge fight ensues... so we won't be doing that again. Dog's clearly don't differentiate between having their festive collars attacked and being under attack themselves.
I'm going to have to stop there as this screen is far too bright. But I really will come back and put some music on here asap.
Mycroft has just had to remind me to return and put up promised music...
Three songs I enjoy at this time of year, for quite different reasons:
I think that's a fantastic song and tune. Although I did used to take 'the Christmas you get you deserve' rather to heart...
Another stunning song. Although it used to make Mum cry into her sherry.
And the last - a by no means exhaustive list of some of my favourite Christmas tunes.
I'm glad you had a good time last night - and I sincerely hope there's video of you singing. ;)
I've no doubt some horrible colleague of mine could probably provide something. Although we don't encourage it - the last thing the force needs is some drunken singing on YouTube.
Hey - don't ask, found this. It makes me feel slightly sick, but Sherlock might enjoy making some patterns? Nice and sciency and pretty and he can print them off and cut them up if he wants. He was going to make Christmas cards for people.
(online spirograph, for people who need to know before clicking.)
Oh, interesting... That does look like something he'd like. And also makes me slightly sick, not sure why. I imagine most things are making you feel slightly sick right now, but I've got no excuse.
yeah, hope I wasn't too horrible last night. SOmething very plain for dinner tonight?
Can't believe the news from Liverpool - those coppers were just out for a drink, same as we were and now one of them's dead. Rest in peace, PC Doyle.
there is nothing worse than having to get the tube when you have a perfectly good motorbike. except when it's nearly christmas. that's worse.
You made BAD breakfast this morning but I like the patterns I can make with the spirograph.
BAD breakfast isn't good Sherlock, I hope he makes up for it tomorrow :-)
I'm glad you had a good night out Greg and that you survived your day at work.
ha, just about survived. although not exactly running on all cylinders yet. Mycroft just had to remind me to add the songs I said I would in. And I can't even remember the ones I intended... but there we go, still put three up ;)
...in a show of either amazing optimism or sheer desperation, an ice cream van has just gone past, playing a truly awful rendition of 'rudolph the red nosed reindeer'. Sadly this is like a siren's song to Sherlock, who is now awake, and slightly unsure if we're lying about there not being a hidden grown-up tradition of getting 99s before christmas...
that would be a great secret tradition!!
thanks for adding the songs :-)
it would... attempting to put an 'I'm not tired' 9 yr old back to bed is not a great tradition...
I'm A total fail at getting kids to sleep at the minute Christmas excitement has really taken hold!!
Good luck with Sherlock :-)
What possible answer is there to "I'm not tired!" "Well, I am." "So you go to bed then, and stop trying to make me!"
...i'm going to bed. he will hopefully stay in bed. John will hopefully end up in our bed, not on patrol of the landings ;)
I hope sleep was achieved by those who needed it eventually & good breakfast was received this morning. ;)
Thanks for the songs, I like all of those too. Are you out & about on any festive journeys today or relaxing at home before the onslaught. :) I hear wrapping paper calling my name I think. ;)
Have a fun day everyone. :)
Sleep was had. we need to go and buy our traditional tree decorations Today - or face some horrible post-work crowds...
Does DI Dimmock have murder stories too? Different ones to you that I haven't heard?
(He probably does, for those still wondering.) Although obviously the ones they want solving they give to me ;)
Sherlock, see if you can solve the mystery of whether you can only become DI if you have a bizarre middle name, or if there's something about having a weird name that makes you want to be a DI.
Myoddle names aren't that bizarre. But you've got a good shot at being DI, eh? And Dimmo... Well, yeah.
Err my middle names. Sorry, fat fingers.
What's Dimmock's middle name? Or did I miss it up there somewhere?
Well don't leave us in suspense - enquiring minds want to know now. ;) As we already know your full moniker, Greg, what middle names do Dimmo & Sally have? :)
Remember both of us can engineer your demise, Sir.
I will happily forego any knowledge of Sally's middle name; her occasional insights from work are too entertaining to upset her. Dimmock, however . . .
In the interest of confidentiality I can only suggest the names Cornelius and Angelica, and let you guys make up your minds...
It'll be hard doing all that Xmas day cooking with a broken arm...
Threatening a superior officer, Sal? Not really the spirit of the season.
Threatening an officer of a higher rank, Sir.
Haha ha! Ouch! Not very Angelic.
Angelica's quite a nice name. Regardless of who it belongs to.
Thank you John. Your husband, Gregory Martin Elephant and Castle Lestrade likes to imply its not very fitting for me.
Nonsense. No idea what he's talking about.
Hey, where's the defence of her picking on my name?? (I know no one can defend Dimmo's)
I think Sally Cornelius sounds quite nice in combination. As for defending your middle name, lestrade, it appears to me that sally has improved upon it. ;)
I have an Aussie friend who has taken to calling me Bex in some kind of aussination of my middle name. He's...an interesting person.
Honestly, just when a man needs cheering up, because his team gave away a couple of points, to ten men, he just gets a kicking.
I will say that Sal's initials - SAD - don't suit her. Angelica...sometimes ;)
John, I'll make the Christmas card out just to you and the boys.
The biblical description of angels runs more along the lines of terrifying and overwhelming than candy floss and fluttery. Whilst being on the side of righteousness. Just sayin'
ok...so Angels are terrifying but good, so that fits.
Finchley...isn't even a name, so...
And Cornelius means horny...
Looking forward to you coming over, Dimmo. ;)
I don't know if I'm ashamed of the Christmas dinner jokes that went through my head or appalled at your talent for prompting them, L. Not at ALL suited to the all-ages gathering of family, friends and enthusiastic pets you'll be feeding well in an atmosphere of happy good will, fun and affection. ;-)
Well, it's obviously not my fault because I don't have any idea at all what you're talking about, so it can only be down to you. Or Dimmo's parents. Or, in fact, Babar the elephant. Blame him.
Oh I had not thought of the Babar books for years! Nor Uncle Cornelius, drawn with a wiggly line that somehow conveyed Great Age so well. Some of them had the best pictures. Thanks for that closing thought.
Speaking of cherished childhood books, Norman Bridwell, author of Clifford the Big Red Dog, died last week I think. :(
He claims he was named after Uncle Cornelius.
Ella - I don't think Clifford ever made it over here - I've never seen the books here.
Now I'd love to meet the parents who name a child after a fictional elderly elephant uncle. Though probably they just liked the name.
Ella, you're right, Norman Bridwell did die. Clifford was such a big part of so many childrens' imaginations. (How are you doing? Well, I hope.)
Onward through the day.
I loved the Babar books! We had a set of records--78s, IIRC--that told the first story with songs, which I loved, too....
And I am now going to date myself further by saying that I think Clifford was a bit past my time--I know I read some of those to nieces and nephews, but I don't remember reading them as a child.
(Now I want to look at picture books for a while!)
Have a good one, all!
RR- Clifford had a bit of a resurgence as an animated program. My oldest was young enough to enjoy it, so I'd guess early in the 2000s. Clifford was voice by another of the lost greats: John Ritter.
My oldest bears a family name as one of her middles. They did a graphing exercise at school once, using the number of letters in everyone's full names. She was the example for 'outlier', with 33.
All I really know about Uncle Cornelius is that when we tried to find a picture to print out for Dimmo's door Googling something like 'babar elephant Cornelius' brought up one very...interesting image. Which Dimmo did not appreciate...because, in his words, 'I look a bit worried, but the bear looks really happy'... Just remember the rules on Googling things, ok?
(And I think my name now tops out at 35 letters....)
Ah yes. So it does ;)
I can only assume you're agreeing to the number of letters in my name, as I know you wouldn't have disobeyed Nanny John and googled something I said...
I've never been able to follow rules and on days like this I realise it's a good thing ;-)
I'm doing a bit better, thanks fA. My injured friend is better enough to feel grumpy and depressed that he has to spend Christmas in the hospital. He doesn't live locally so I can't go visit him, but I'm so glad he's alive I'm not telling him to cheer up. My friend's toddler (with leukemia) is doing so well they're sending him home early so he can have Christmas at home.
And I have a cat asleep on my lap.
Well clearly Uncle Cornelius gave his uniform away to someone who needed it more than he did. He's a very generous person.
The boys and I are going shopping for gifts for John after work. I genuinely fear the questions I will be asked now...
Hee! And at top volume, in the most crowded store, no doubt. :)
(Now that I've started on children's books, I've got Amelia Bedelia in my head. I think they made a cartoon of her, too, at some point.)
Oh, RR, I loved Amelia Bedelia! I haven't thought of her in years!
I must unknowingly have parental controls on my Google because Babar elephant and Uncle Cornelius came up with perfectly ordinary illustrations from the books. Though I wasn't doing an image search specifically.
I hope debating the correct gifts for John will sufficiently entertain everyone. You could always offer to purchase a few Babar books for Sherlock - somehow I doubt their pleasant anthropomorphic premise will interest him. It is too entirely not real.
Ella - good to hear mostly good things about your friends!
Becca - Happy holiday greetings! Hope you're well.
I used to read with early elementary students as part of a literacy support program. Amelia Bedelia was very popular with almost all of them - the books were decades old even then, but the joy of an adult making ridiculous mistakes because of having a very literal mind is apparently enduring!
Joe Cocker has died. :(
Damn. It's been quite a year for losing musicians. I guess it comes with getting older, so does everyone else in the world, but damn.
Yeah. Still, got my boys with me now - and John is having a rare evening off! So can't be too sad. Got to be happy for what we have, etc.
I think I'm buying John this:
It's a damn good thing he loves you.
(Though I suspect he's cute enough to pull it off)
He is cute enough to pull it off, yes! Which is slightly terrifying. One day he'll realise he's gone all wrong with an old man like me.
but don't worry, Mycroft's guiding hand will prevent me making any such purchases...
Not entirely well. I've got this weird vertigo thing going on for the last week. Saw my doctor, tried medication, and it's still there, so now she's sending me to a neurologist. Not sure when this will be yet, given the holidays.
Anyone have a children's book to recommend for a 2 1/2 year old? Her dad loves to read to her, but I've forgotten most of the books I read at that age. I have a very cute young cousin.
Becca, wish you were feeling better. You can't go wrong with Eric Carle (sp?) for pre-readers. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is the one I remember. I remember a couple of books, very rhymey, the first was "Is Your Mama a Llama?" that were popular (author - ?). And Sandra Boynton had something titled something similar to Moo Baa La La La.
L., I think the window for John to be struck with horrified regret has passed. He's invested now. Isn't that lovely? And you and Mycroft actually sound like a very balanced shopping team.
We're home! We have gifts! Mrs Hudson has made mince pies!
fA - it's an open-ended window, and there's no investment you can't pull out of. If it worked like that, I'd be in deep trouble!
How festive! (Especially the onesie you hopefully didn't buy... ;D)
1, 5, 10, 25 years there's always a reasonable reason to get out of a relationship if you want to but lets be honest Greg if John was going to get out because of your choice of kitted Christmas presents he'd have done it by now ;-)
AnonyBob - if anyone can use knitwear as grounds for divorce in this relationship, it's me! ;)
I wonder if Christmas jumpers have ever been used as grounds in a divorce petition ;-)
how goes the Christmas planning? it's madness here but good fun with it :-D
I'm just rolling with the punches as far as the planning is going - I'm making sure there's enough food to feed an army, and leaving everything else to everyone else.
Although I haven't worked out when to see Mum yet...and...there's no time left. So.
Then it will have to be after Christmas won't it, I'm sure she can wait until you've had fun with your boys and your guests :-)
I love the idea of you having a house full of people who want to be together :-)
Well, I'm not sure Dimmo wants to be here after the discussion of his name... but his head is ruled by his belly, so I'm sure he'll show up ;)
There are no guarantees, but I doubt either knitwear or a not-so-great age difference - both of which were in evidence from the very beginning - is going to run y'all aground.
Speaking of family, will you get to see Nicky and her family this holiday? That seems like it's usually a good time.
May everyone's holiday prep go well and everything turn out just fine in the end!
Crashed my bike. Am fine but grouchy. 2014, you were the best.
Oh, dear. Feel better, Becca and Ella.
Oh, I'm sure Dimmock won't pass up the chance to tell Sherlock some new murder stories. He'll be there!
Hope no extra aches and pains have shown up, Ella. The day after crashing is always worse!
My office has been attacked with tinsel and a ridiculous plastic reindeer face on my door.
Is the reindeer face sparkly?
Becca, "Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom" is popular with those who are learning the alphabet. As a parent, also as a former preschool teacher, it was one I didn't mind reading repeatedly. The kids usually memorize it fairly quickly, too.
Hope everyone is feeling okay today, and the holiday prep/travel goes smoothly for those engaged in it.
No sparkles on my deer. I'm generally against too much decoration about the office. Not really in keeping with our jobs.
As long as they aren't putting up Grinch faces on your door, all is well.
Ella! Hope today is not too achey. Only a week more of 2014. Let's hope it's done its worst.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom it is! Plus a couple of beginner puzzles.
A told B and B told C, "I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree!" Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! Will there be enough room?
Love that book.
I'm okay. Main problem is road rash going down my arm. As long as that touches nothing whatsoever, everything is fine. And I tore up my pants but that's mostly annoying.
Hope everyone's starting to be able to relax into the holidays.
Oh! I forgot to ask--what baubles did you each get this year?
Skit skat skoodle doot, flip flop flee. I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree.
Don't mind me...
Sherlock--I was just having an online discussion with some friends about Tom Lehrer, and it occurs to me that you might enjoy this little ditty: The Elements. (I hope so, anyway!)
On the topic of things Sherlock might find interesting: large telescopes in space limitations may be solved by . . . glitter! The first proof-of-concept done in a lab literally used a jar of glitter from a craft store. http://www.npr.org/2014/12/23/372468028/could-glitter-help-solve-nasas-giant-telescope-problem
Ella - your recall of lines from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom proves that Becca chose the right book! Hope the road rash settles down.
It's Christmas Eeeeeeeeeve, yay!
If anyone with young ones wants to plot the big man's progress I think he is due to touch down in New Zealand any time now. www.noradsanta.org
Merry Christmas to one and all. :)
Good luck with the road rash. I know how evil that can be.
I'm going to try making penuche. With this much excitement in the air, I might as well boil some butter and sugar.
Me and my friend W are making a pie. I've been handed an apron so you know it's serious business.
Leg of lamb goes in the oven in a few hours. Not exactly traditional, especially for Christmas Eve, but breakfast/brunch is the only serious food happening in this house tomorrow. Garlic and rosemary. MMMMMMM.
All the presents hve been wrapped and given or sent, I've got rosemary and sea salt focaccia baking, red wine mulling - it's starting to feel like Christmas :-)
Hope life is being gentle with everyone out there, especially those for whom it's not been too gentle recently.
And it's Christmas here - first presents have been unwrapped, Christmas dinner is in the crock pot (chocolate chicken, mmmm). Merry Christmas/Happy Channukah/Blessed Solstice/Happy Kwaanza/Merry Whatever to you all. :D
Happy Christmas all! Just gone midnight here - Sherlock wanted to go to Midnight Mass (only because it meant he could stay up until midnight), so we decided against that, but agreed he could stay up - think we'll get a lie in tomorrow? ;) He's just off to bed now, full of excitement.
Hope everyone has a great day, feel free to pop on here and chat, if you're in need of company. I'll try and be on a bit, although I will mainly be chained to the kitchen :)
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all! It's a sunny 23C here - so glad it's not a hot one this year. I've unwrapped my gifts, and watched Nativity!, which was on the telly when I woke up.
No cooking for me - I have a friend coming around this afternoon, and we'll be having 4 kinds of cheese, 4 kinds of berries, some pineapple, pistachios, salt & pepper cashews, dolmades, chocolates and I'm going to throw together an Eton Mess later :) No mince pies this year, as they changed the recipe on the gluten free ones, and they're no longer vegetarian :( We've got berry-filled little pies instead. Got some cold eggnog in the fridge ... A feast!
My young friend Henry sent me a dinosaur ornament to hang on my tree. I don't have a tree, but a dinosaur never goes astray! My mother sent me an elf hat for the mannequin in the corner of my room, so it feels a bit Christmassy despite the lack of tree :) I hope you all have a lovely day!
Merry Christmas to all ye celebraters!
Here, have a couple of songs from two rather different Christmas-y movies: You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch and White Christmas. :)
(It was almost 60F here today and pouring down rain--no White Christmas for New York!)
Merry Christmas to those of you already there! And I wish a happy day off to those who don't celebrate Christmas, and peaceful, stress-free shifts to everyone whose job requires them to work on the 25th! (And many thanks to those of you keeping the wheels turning by working when the rest of us are off.)
Looking forward to hearing about everyone's most interesting/satisfying/amusing gifts.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and a happy, peaceful day to those who don't.
Happy Christmas everybody we've ggot Panettone for breakfast and champagne.
Happy Christmas everyone :-) I'd bet all of you got more sleep than I did last night but aren't excited children ace!!
Enjoy your breakfast Sherlock :-)
Well, chaos is alive and kicking here. Dogs underfoot. Cats trying to steal meat. Small persons trying to be involved with everything and we're on the second bottle of champagne already ;)
Merry Christmas Sherlock, that sounds like a wonderful breakfast.
Sounds perfect, Lestrade :-)
Merry Christmas everyone! ...gone looking for champagne :-)
Sounds like a perfect Christmas is developing in the Holmes/Watson/Lestrade household. ;)
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas or lovely day whichever. :)
Joolz X :)
I tell you, girls, between Murray here and Greg I haven't been flirted with this much since I used to go down the dance hall on a Friday night! I'm coming over all peculiar!
Sounds like you need another glass of bubbly, Martha :-) Be gentle with Murray... but not too gentle ;-p
Sounds like fun all round!
Champagne sounds so happy, and looks so pretty. :)
Mmmm. Main course done. Pudding to go. ;)
Merry Christmas! Still morningtime here. I've been told I cannot have pie for breakfast. Nor can I put ice cream on waffles. But there is copius amounts of coffee. And once you pile on fruit and syrup and yogurt, waffles are basically pie.
So was Father Christmas generous to the Watson-Lestrade-Holmes household this year? Did DI Dimmock have to recount too many gruesome murders to earn his lunch? And has Murray got a Christmas kiss off Martha yet?
BTW, did any of you see the ISS go over the UK today or yesterday? I always have to remind myself that the moving light is actually a man-made object with people on board. Makes me feel impressed and old at the same time time :-p
Merry Christmas one and all. We've done all the social celebratory bit and are now relaxing over another glass of wine.
We've reached the pudding course!
No tree presents yet, just stocking ;)
Yay for pudding!
Have you reached the gift-opening stage yet?
Yes, presents and more champagne and a terrifying amount of glitter and ribbon.
I will certainly be smelling sweet...black pepper and ginseng bath goodies! And some great thermals for the bike and work :)
What else did you lot get that you're particularly delighted with?
I got a camera that takes pictures underwater and everything and I'm still awake.
Both those things are quite exciting!
Wow, what a fantastic sounding Christmas! I had Christmas morning/afternoon brunch with friends, my household is doing a proper Christmas meal with gifts nearer New Year's to accommodate travel schedules. Nonetheless, average daily consumption was over a bottle of wine per adult, so festivities were certainly festive.
Ella, you have some re-education to conduct on anyone who thinks pie and ice cream are inappropriate for Christmas morning!
An underwater camera certainly sparks the question of which bodies of water you'll be visiting this summer!
Sympathies to anyone who had to rise and go to work this morning.
I was thinking just that about the underwater camera, fA.
I hope everyone is having a good Boxing Day! (How does one celebrate Boxing Day?)
it's fun hearing about everyone's day yesterday. :) i had a nice big dinner with my sister and daughter, and sent home big plates of leftovers to their respective Significant Others. Today... I probably should get a bit of work done, but it's nice out so I'm also thinking I might make a stab at some more yard work that didn't get done in the fall.
RR, by eating the leftover turkey, vegetables etc. There's often a Boxing Day Walk to recover from the overeating of Christmas Day and prepare for eating of said leftovers.
It's also a good day to prove how much you like the Christmas socks/shirt etc that you've been bought, before consigning them to the back of the cupboard.
Or you can go to the Boxing Day sales.
Or, do what we do, have a gentle walk and then enjoy the peace at home.
I believe I would choose your celebration, sh!
Sorry, just got home. Mycroft bought us lots of delicious olives and all kinds of delicacies. Amazingly there is still food left, too!
Having food left after all your hordes being there all day is miraculous indeed but extra olive goodies sound lovely. ;)
We have snow! Big flakes which are partially sticking too - where was this yesterday when we wanted a white Christmas. ;)
Have a fun evening/day everyone. :)
Snow would be great :) I'm going to see Mum tomorrow, with as many folk as want to join me.
I hope everyone is dealing with the festive aftermath ok :)
We had snow on our way to bed after our Boxing Day party yesterday which gave me serious concerns for our trip over the hills home today but it all seems to have gone for the minute :-(
I'm glad you've managed a fab Christmas with lovely people Greg and I hope today is being good to you :-)
Leftover feast is as good as the original sometimes! Mycroft's contributions sound wonderful!
My aftermath is the family part, daughter came home yesterday for a few weeks, son returns to town today. Our celebrations shall be drawn out, as by the time son's girlfriend returns, daughter will be recovering from wisdom tooth removal. The good bits of Christmas are just never ending this year!
And my lights are gorgeous, all indoors and just short of wretched excess!
And good luck with your mom, Greg. Hope she's doing well and in a state of mind to enjoy/appreciate your visit. If not, her loss. (At least you'll see your sister?)
And if she's pleased I hope she's the type to let you know it. So many people broadcast all their pleasure in their children to others but never show the kids themselves anything but complaints. So self-defeating.
At the very least, we get to give the bikesv good ride out by visiting her.
Have fun on the ride! (I hope the visit goes well, too.)
Greg, I hope your visit with your mum goes well.
I'm tired-but-happy, got to do a local Day of Dance event. Dancers from several local teams gathered, learned a few border and molly (mostly) dances, and then went out and performed on the street and at pubs. It's really nice to get to "cross-fertilize" a bit with the other teams. even if we tour with them in spring we are dancing just with our own team members. I even got to wear my old rag tunic and hood from back when I used to dance long sword.
I hope the visit went/goes well Greg and that you have a good run on your bikes whatever happens with your mum :-)
Thanks everyone. It was OK, as good as could be expected. And although it was cold for the bikes it's been a beautiful day. Sadly John didn't wear the lovely Christmas jumper I bought him.
I think we'd like a photo of said sweater....
(Glad the visit was ok.)
OK will be good enough, then. If you are now buying John Christmas jumpers I'd say the next step is to start wearing the occasional one yourself. Even if it's not quite in line with the GQMF image.
Glad it's not cold AND wet.
I'm glad your visit went ok Greg :-)
Have a safe trip home :-)
This particular jumper could not go unbought. I don't think I'll be saying that often.
Glad the visit went as well as you could hope and I'm sure you feel better to have seen her so that's good. Did you meet Nicky as well. Did all four of you go, nice to have a good trek on the bikes & now you have a nice victory to speed your journey home too. :)
Do we get a description of this infamous jumper if a photo is not available. ;)
I'm hoping for John's take on the jumper. With, ideally, an editorial gloss by Mycroft. Their dry understatement on such matters (with the possible exception of a certain . . . sparkly jacket) is sure to amuse.
I'm sure we can rustle up a picture for John's next post.
Was it just you and John that went, or did Sherlock and Mycroft join you?
We all went.
It never ceases to amaze me that despite having all night to herself, to do as she pleases, Maf always decides to greet me in the morning by plonking herself in a doorway and showing me her bum whilst she licks herself down.
A good day for all, then, on the whole. Was Sherlock taking pictures of everything?
Perhaps it's a sign of feline affection?
He was. And telling people about bees. Mrs Hudson bought him a book about beekeeping. No one is now safe from this knowledge.
You are only fortunate Mrs. Hudson is opposed to rooftop beekeeping. I bet there are beekeepers in London somewhere though. Field trip!
It is only considerate to keep bee swarms at a bit of a distance from neighbors. But there's no denying that bees are quite fascinating!
I think the boys are spending new years with their mum. What should John and I do with ourselves? Fall asleep on the sofa?
Not that sleeping is a bad option, but I suspect you two will think of something apprpriately celebratory. ;)
we may think up something, but still fall asleep before the bongs go.
It will still be 2015 in the morning, after all...
"I've got 30 hours left to be an absolute bastard, I'm going to make the most of it." -2014
I'm sorry things are not going any better yet, Ella. Here's hoping 2015 is a major improvement--for everyone who could use a major improvement.
Thanks, rere. I hope everyone has a good new years and a good 2015.
Well, I've got today off - which is good. Panic Day, this is known as in the force. But I'm in tomorrow to mop up the results...
I hope you can make the most of your day and that you have some good plans with John later while the boys are out :-)
I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by, it doesn't feel like a year since I was sick to death of being pregnant and thinking baby was never going to show up ;-)
Have a good last day of the year everyone and good luck with the next :-)
We're going to Mummy's and she said we could go and see the fireworks AND she said I'm old enough to light the fire all by myself now and I wish we had a fireplace that worked not one that you can't even light a fire in.
It sounds like you'll have a wonderful New Year's Eve, Sherlock, enjoy yourself!
(Fireplace fires are so pretty! But going by my experience, they aren't as comfortable as they look in flats--too hot near them, and too cold if you move away.)
...Sherlock has eaten an entire bucket of candied peel. A WHOLE bucket.
Crikey. I hope his Mum's braced for any... consequences of that.
Happy Birthday to your youngest, Anonybob!
Well, happily, I believe his mum can deal with anything.
And yeah, Happy Birthday to your little one, AnonyBob! Although I hope she lets you see in the new year peacefully ;)
I hope you have a great time watching fireworks Sherlock and that the candied peel doesn't come back to haunt you!
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys, she seems to be having a good time although I'm not sure she knows what's really going on!
Apart from the dogs trundling around panting like steam trains, looking for Mycroft, the house is oddly quiet.
Might have to crack open the bubbly to go with dinner.
Happy birthday to the littlest pandabobette!
Quiet can be nice. Also champagne.
Bubbly sounds like a lovely addition to your evening, have a lovely time seeing the New Year in together. Have a great time with your mum, Sherlock & Mycroft.
Have a fun party baby Anonybob.
It's been great sharing this year with you all, here's to a fun 2015, Happy New Year everyone. Joolz :) x
Happy New Year to all of you. Thank you for being here with us over the years.
Thought I better do this now in case I'm in no fit state later!
I hope 2015 brings you all happiness and love.
This is a bit early--more than a bit to those in the US!--but I wish you all a very Happy New Year. I hope everyone enjoys their evening!
Happy New Year everyone, I hope that 2915 is good to all of you!
you hoping for some time travel - or medical miracles, Lancs? ;)
Just hoping for less fat fingers!
Happy new Year! And to our amazing boys, who are off watching fireworks, I'm sure. Sounds like the whole of London will have exploded in the next few mins.
Happy new year to everyone, I hope 2015 is better than 2014 however awesome 2014 has been for you :-)
Happy New Year, everyone!
Sherlock, Mycroft, hope you have/had a wonderful evening with your Mum. The London fireworks looked great on TV, I bet they looked fantastic live.
John, Lestrade, hope you also get to see the new year in with a bang ;-p
Happy New Year to all! May 2015 be better to all! (And in a hurry, Ella & Becca & anyone else who's seen it out a bit disgruntled.) I hope that everyone's celebrations, large or small or virtually nonexistent have been enjoyable.
I've spent New Year's Eve nursing my youngest through the aftermath of having all 4 wisdom teeth out this today. She's having a harder time of it than my previous such patients, so it's been blood, tears, pain meds and Netflix. Sleep, apparently is for the lucky and the weak.
Happy New Year! I I hope 2015 will be a good year - with everybody interpreting "good" as needed :-)
Our party last night was quite nice - and driving home through banks of fog that could be used as film setting for the most sinister horror movie yet to come kept everyone awake and on their toes...
Hope you won´t have too much trouble at work today, L.
Not too bad. Some serious assaults and a possible arson/murder case came in overnight. It could've been worse.
...I guess we could take that as a good start to the year, relatively speaking.
My back's gone out and I've no idea what could have caused it--all I did yesterday is a dentist visit (one filling) and laundry, neither of which involved heavy lifting!
I hope everone else is having a good (hangover free) New Year's Day!
fA, my sympathies to you and yours, mine had all four of hers out at once too, and the one good thing about it is: you only ever have to do that once in your whole life.
I had a quiet night in. After having lots of fun last weekend with the Day of Dance, and then hearing about various people I had been with coming down with the flu, I decided self-defensive quarantine was the best choice, so I don't get sick before a soon-upcoming trip.
meanwhile, having to upgrade computer equipment... ugh! hopefully "the inconvenience will be temporary and the improvement permanent" or, as permanent as anything is with computers.
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