23 May 2015

It’s not because I’m old, It’s not the life I led

A quick Eurovision post! I will update this with pics from the cricket etc., but wanted to get it up so you can comment on it, so to speak!!

Apologies for the delay. I've managed to delete all the photos off my phone and completely failed to get them back. So...

Here's one Mycroft took from the cricket - which was great. We had a lovely time, Mycroft almost couldn't cope with some of the style choices on offer though... They were bad.

That's us batting - just at the start of the innings, and a very attacking field by the Kiwis.

Rain stopped play for a little bit, but we only lost about 2 overs in the end, as it meant lunch was called early. And we didn't get too wet - well, I got a bit wet as I went for a coffee... but when I got back Mycroft was sitting serenely under an umbrella. So we huddled.

John and Sherlock also had an eventful day - they found a poor little wren, which had flown into a window They cared for it until it flew away, though! Look how tiny it is.

Mycroft is doing his bike training on Tuesday - and then we'll be off looking at bikes!


Joolz said...

Hmm. Not sure on the boots there.

pandabob said...

The kids enjoyed the dancing in number three, I'm not sure they care for Estonia though, a bit boring apparently ;-)

Joolz said...

Not bad, UK. That's the first time I've heard that. Very 20's as Graham said but not bad. :)

Joolz said...

That tree will get blown away if they're not careful. ;)

pandabob said...

I really wasn't a fan of that one although the lights and staging were quite impressive.

Joolz said...

How faked was that kiss!

pandabob said...

I enjoyed the sparkle in number eight :-)

Joolz said...

That was quite powerful, good voice, quite boppy, may have a chance. Not so keen on the guy crawling across the stage halfway through

Tina said...

Can she sing or what! Great!

Greg Lestrade said...

'sing me something beautiful or make it stop...' sums up this competition!

Joolz said...

How true, Greg.

Not bad. Nice eyes and good animation. Has a chance I guess.

Greg Lestrade said...

I fear he ran out of lyrics really quite early on though, however pretty he was...

Tina said...

Nice voice, interesting representation. Go, Sweden!

Tina said...

Aren't lyrics overrated? It's the European Song Contest...

pandabob said...

The little known European country at Australia is putting up a good show :-)

Joolz said...

Was just going to say the same thing, Anonybob. Europe at it's finest. ;)

Not a bad song though, quite catchy.

Greg Lestrade said...

it's better than many others! And an apt song, given they won't get to host even if they win. Still, they might give us points, and we might give them lots... at least there's no rivalry!

Tina said...

but what is the gentleman wearing? Apart from that - welcome to Europe, Australia!

Greg Lestrade said...

i thought it was half a coat. but it was two halves of different coats. Now, this lot look a bit terrifying.........

Joolz said...

Far too much white, hurts the eyes!

Joolz said...

Showing my age, but it's got a kind of Dr Hook vibe with the hat and the hair, all they need is an eye patch. ;) Not bad though.

Greg Lestrade said...

if you're playing a song and your piano spontaneously combusts it's a sign God wants you to stop

Tina said...

Piano on fire?

pandabob said...

Highlight of that song was the sudden hope it would all burn away ;-)

Joolz said...

That damn wind's got up again. These poor contestants are having to fight through it all. ;)

Joolz said...

Well at least this one's violin was real, that's about as good as it gets.

Greg Lestrade said...

I'm afraid some of these are quite dull....

pandabob said...

We do seem to be lacking milk maids, ladies with beards and full monster costumes you're right Greg ;-)

Joolz said...

It doesn't seem as peppy as usual, does it. I haven't seen a stand out winner yet at all. And that certainly includes this one.

Greg Lestrade said...

well...this is interesting. She either has tattoos, fake tattoos, an odd dress, or some quite impressive chest hair.

Tina said...

We do have migraine inducing lights, though. And some nice singing voices, missing lyrics or not.

Joolz said...

Between the white and the smoke she keeps disappearing

Greg Lestrade said...

well this song makes no sense and involves made up words, but it's a bit more Eurovision-y. Not enough smoke machines these days.

Joolz said...

The theme of the evening seems to be dresses spread out across the floor and guys with high ponytails.

Greg Lestrade said...

...these Italian guys really love you, really want you, can think only of you...and then want to know who you are??

Anonymous said...

Eurovision banter. These are not the droids you're looking for.


Anonymous said...

The Italian guys look like you cleaned up the hippest guys in the IT department & put 'em in tuxes, they're probably just a bit disoriented, L.


Joolz said...

Well I have to admit nothing has jumped out at me at all. Don't know who to say really. Maybe Oz for the crack or Serbia for her powerful voice or perhaps Sweden or Russia. Not sure I really like any of them enough to make a call though. Quite disappointing this year. :(

Anonymous said...

don't let the commentators siiiing

Anonymous said...

Ah! If they manage to make that big a percussion section dull, we'll know they drugged the water this year or something.


Greg Lestrade said...

so, they've just told everyone in Vienna who can make a noise in some way to head down to the auditorium, yeah?

Tina said...

I'm missing caffeine - desperately. It is dull, isn't it? Pity. There was some great potential.

Greg Lestrade said...

we really haven't had anyone up there with Lordi, or the lovely man from a couple of years ago singing about his shoes...

Anonymous said...

Well, it shows enthusiasm. Not as invigorating as I'd hoped.


pandabob said...

There's been far too much trying to be normal going on this year, weird and wacky is very much missing :-(

Tina said...

dancing! Looks like someone was trying to copy carneval in Rio. Didn't work.

Greg Lestrade said...

yeah, a poor year this year.

I wonder if other countries have very serious commentary....

Anonymous said...

Watching on youtube from the states we don't get the UK commentary (or at least, I couldn't get it.) Pity.

Conchita looks like she's enjoying herself, anyway.


Joolz said...

They should be told they are not allowed to say anything except give their scores and that needs to be done quickly and certainly without any naff singing!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Joolz. Faint hope.


Joolz said...

Well done Sweden. That was as good as any other I suppose, even if it was lacking in lyrics, it was good staging and he's cute - a bit of a Marti Pellow feel about him I think.

Thanks for hosting this tonight, Greg, it was great fun sharing it with everyone. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

Glad you enjoyed! Hope everyone will try harder next year...

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks.


Greg Lestrade said...

(by everyone, I mean the contestants, not you lot!)

And well done Sweden.

Australia, you let us down! You're supposed to give us points, and not beat us quite that badly...

ro said...

Sorry we gatecrashed your party, didn't vote for you, then beating you, Britain! I have to admit, I don't like Eurovision enough to get up to watch it live. I know many Australians who do, though. Well done to Guy!

Greg Lestrade said...

Ha, well, not sure you'll be invited back now ;)

And I've updated the post to include more than just a one-liner about a singing contest!

pandabob said...

Yay to bikes that sounds like very much fun, I hope you find just what you want Mycroft :-)

I'm glad you had fun at the cricket, I am unbelievably jealous of you for getting ticket and a day out at the cricket but the getting wet doesn't sound all that fun!

I hope you've had a good day and that the bank holiday is looking good for you all :-)

Small Hobbit said...

Glad you had a good day at the cricket.

In the great English tradition, today is Cheese Rolling Day here.

Greg Lestrade said...

Sherlock would love to go Cheese Rolling! I think John and I might, too....

The cricket was amazing! Just catching some highlights. Almost wish we'd gone down today as well!

Anon Without A Name said...

Ref the cheese rolling, there's an uphill race for kids, sounds right up Sherlock's street :-) Apparently it was being shown live in Russia, which seems... weird.

I'm usually baffled by cricket, by this time even I managed to work out it was a bit of an impressive match, with a bit of a nail-biter of a finish.

Kestrel337 said...

The wren is so tiny. I am always amazed by wrens and hummingbirds and such. So much life in such teeny tiny forms. It's very humbling.

Joolz said...

Best of luck with your bike test, Mycroft, I'm sure you'll come through with flying colours. :)

Are you spending the rest of today bike choosing or is that for later in the week. Hope you have great fun with all the testing if you are.

Have a great day everyone. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

Obviously he's very modest, but Mycroft passed with flying colours, and the instructor said he was a very nature, sensible young man with good road sense. We have been looking at bikes and tomorrow we are test riding three!

Greg Lestrade said...


Joolz said...

Well done, Mycroft, that's brilliant. :)

Bike testing - what fun for you all. :) Is it done on road or off & will Sherlock be able to go on the back to try them with you or John as well, Greg?

REReader said...

Congratulations, Mycroft, and well done!

Mycroft said...

Thank you, everyone. I am looking forward to finding a bike of my own now. I hope we find a suitable one.

Small Hobbit said...

I'm sure you'll find something suitable - or that you and Lestrade deem suitable. I suspect Sherlock will have other ideas.

pandabob said...

Good luck with the bike testing Mycroft, I never doubted for a minute that you'd do a fantastic job of your test :-)

I hope the evening is providing relaxation for you all :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mycroft, not that it seemed remotely in doubt! Have fun looking!


ro said...

Well done, Mycroft! Have fun picking a bike!

Anonymous said...

Trying to Lay Waste to the Errands today, which is deadly dull. Hence I'm on here sharing the excitement.


Greg Lestrade said...

I want a nwe bike. And to go back in time, to start riding again. And to own at least...4 bikes. And to ride them, all the time :)

There are some stunningly good first bikes around these days. Great fun to ride.

REReader said...

It's easy to see you've found several you like, L! :)

Did you find one that meets your approval, Mycroft?

Mycroft said...

Yes, I think I've chosen one. I want to go back and ride it again now that I've tried out some other ones.

Lestrade said it had good suspension and brakes, and I thought it was quite comfortable to ride. Although I'm not certain I shall be allowed back after Lestrade performed a 'stoppie' on his forecourt.

REReader said...

Ha! Well, you can always go back with John and Sherlock.

Greg Lestrade said...

I was testing the brakes!

Greg Lestrade said...

So, Sherlock has turned into a grumpy little trog since Mycroft has been choosing a bike - despite John taking him to see some amazing things this half term.

Life's hard, eh?

pandabob said...

Don't you just love kids? ;-)

I guess it must be hard being little!

How goes the day? Will you be watching the match later?

Anonymous said...

It's not easy watching older sibs growing up it feels like you're being left behind.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Captcha BTW, had to distinguish between food and drink!

Anon Without A Name said...

Well done on passing the test, Mycroft - I hope you enjoy your new bike :-)

Lestrade - you working today, or watching the footy? Kick-off's quite late this year (bloody TV deals) but we've just had Abide With Me...

Greg Lestrade said...

watching! And happy!

pandabob said...

Grinning very wide now I guess Greg :-D

Greg Lestrade said...

bloody amazing!

Anon Without A Name said...

You dancing now, Lestrade?

Greg Lestrade said...

I am! Absolutely bloody fantastic. Pizza all 'round! And a few beers :) And I'm in such a good mood I'm going to make Nutella and fruit calzone for pudding :)

Sherlock said...

Mycroft bought a bike and I want a bike too and 7 years is forever to wait and it's not fair.

Greg Lestrade said...

it is a long time, but it's how long he had to wait to have you in his life! I'm sure it'll fly by, kiddo. And we'll all go off roading again soon.

pandabob said...

Off roading will be fun Sherlock and it won't be too long until you're old enough Sherlock :-)

Congrats on the cup Greg, enjoy your celebratory beer and pizza

Greg Lestrade said...

We did, thanks! Enjoyed the beer a little too much, perhaps.... ;)

I feel like I might hire myself out to youngsters buying their first bikes - I think having an old hand there makes the sales people wind their necks in a bit!

Joolz said...

A very altruistic addition to your repertoire, Greg. ;) So they weren't put off by your stoppie then. ;) Well done on choosing the perfect bike, Mycroft. :)

Congratulations on the footy, Greg, a lovely cap to the season. :) Can there be too much when it comes to celebrating. ;)

Going off roading again sounds like brilliant fun, hope you get to enjoy it soon.

Have a great day everyone. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

we are off to pick up Mycroft's bike! The guy selling it understood it would be great if he could ride it to school tonight, so rushed one through a pre-sale service :) It is a very fine first bike.

(it was this or the victory parade...this just pips it ;) )

REReader said...

You watching Federer at the French Open, John?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some good days have been had! Congrats Mycroft! (Reason # five million & one, Greg, why life is richer with some young ones around!)

Maybe this will passingly interest Sherlock: Before the British Postal Museum opens up a museum featuring the now-closed underground Mail Rail, they're using LIDAR to digitally archive the system. www.engadget.com/2015/06/01/london-mail-mail-vr/

- fA

Greg Lestrade said...

..of course, now I worry about Mycroft, being out and about, even though I know really he's probably studying, and even if he wasn't, Anth would know where he was!

Still, great bike, Mycroft. I do hope you have fun on it.

pandabob said...

I think you can be sure that Mycroft wouldn't do anything stupid with his new bike, no wheelies down the school drive or anything ;-)

I hope the return to school went ok with Sherlock and that the day has treated you and John well :-)

Greg Lestrade said...

Sherlock is still being loudly frustrated that he's 7 years too young.

Sadly there isn't anything but another 7 years to cure that, though.

REReader said...

It's hard being a younger sibling. (It's hard in different ways being an older sibling.)

But I have think Mycroft will eventually be able to take along a passenger--surely not for a few years, but quite possibly in fewer than 7 years...if Sherlock can show him that a passenger would be a nice thing to have along, that is.

Greg Lestrade said...

he can take a pillion as soon as he passes his test...but I won't be encouraging it. It's up to him when he's ready though.

REReader said...

It does seem to me like the sort of thing that takes a lot of practice to be comfortable enough to do.

Greg Lestrade said...

...i'm sure I just posted this...

John was an easy pillion - Sherlock is much harder, as he moves about unpredictably when he gets distracted.

I drank a cup of cold coffee today to prevent it being wasted, and was rewarded by finding a dead fly at the bottom.

REReader said...

...Is it wrong that I laughed at that?

Anonymous said...

If it was even halfway decent coffee, you still made the correct decision!


Joolz said...

I miss when you guys used to ride together, it was always such a lovely image imagining you snugged up together riding the open road :) I suppose these days you both just want to ride your own bikes.

A sunny day, lovely for anyone to be out & about, on a bike or otherwise. Have a great day, people. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

I miss it too! But can't blame J and now M for wanting their own bikes!

Hope you're allhaving a lovely day

Mycroft said...

I have been out on my bike. It seemed a lovely evening, so I just rode around some quiet streets which I have never explored before.

It is quite odd being on it without hearing you all on my bluetooth headset, and knowing you're just behind me. But I enjoyed it. I tried to practice my handling skills, like you said, Lestrade.

REReader said...

That sounds like a most excellent break from studying, Mycroft.

Greg Lestrade said...

Well done. And I'm sure Anth would follow you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear if you wanted ;)

Greg Lestrade said...

I hope you're all having gorgeous days!

Joolz said...

Had a very nice lazy day today thanks & off to Brum for the day tomorrow to include some delicious sushi for lunch. :)

Have you been working or have you all been out and about together today?

pandabob said...

How goes the weekend guys?

I hope you're managing some time in the sun on your bike in between your revising Mycroft :-)

Greg Lestrade said...

We have stolen mycroft away for an afternoon on the bikes... Glorious weather. Glorious company. Glorious machines.

pandabob said...

That sounds fantastic :-) a lovely way to spend a sunny day

Becca said...

Well, that was a satisfying Roland Garros.

Greg Lestrade said...

not a satisfying TT though - Guy Martin broke down :(

Greg Lestrade said...

God, that 132mph lap...amazing.

Anonymous said...

Becca - yeah. I didn't see the men's final match live but I've seen most of it now & it's pretty exciting to watch! (Hope your family is holding up ok!)

- fA

Becca said...

Thanks fA. They're doing ok. My nana is home and my grandpa is itching to get out of rehab.

Speaking of tennis, I tried to get tickets for the US Open today for my family, just a day after they went on sale, and they are sold out. GRRRRRR.

REReader said...

Sorry to hear about the Open tickets, Becca--it wasn't so very long ago that it was possible to get tickets before the scalpers. :( Glad your grandparents are doing so well, though!

I hope everyone has been doing well! (I've been buried under a volunteer job.)

Becca said...

I hate that they made scalping the Open legal.

Greg Lestrade said...

how are you all? Keeping on keeping on, I hope?

It's been a month, and my achilles is still playing up...off to see a doc next week :( Youthful bounding is right off the menu.

REReader said...

Plugging away here!

Ouch. I hope something works to fix that. (My wrist/arm is still not doing well, but at least ice packs help.)

Greg Lestrade said...

Excellent blog post from a Commander here: https://policecommander.wordpress.com/2015/06/10/good-grief/

I wish I could write so eloquently!

RR - Ice packs are agony on my ankle - John tried one! Just using ibuprofen gel mainly.

Becca said...

I had a problem with my Achilles for years. Be careful resting the back of your foot on surfaces when you're putting it up (you're RICEing, yes?) Instead put your foot on its side.

REReader said...

:( I'm sorry you're still hurting, L.

Greg Lestrade said...

Rest in peace, Christopher Lee... Or return to the earth to walk among us as a vampire or other terrifying being - your choice ;)

Joolz said...

Yes, and Ron Moody too, very sad, both brilliant actors. If anyone was going to return you could imagine Christopher doing it. ;)

I assume you still wear leathers for safety on your bike even in this heat so do you find yourself melting by the time you get to work/home. :) Just saw a young lad in shorts on his bike which made me shudder!

Hope everyone is having a great day. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

I do always wear leathers. But... And don't tell anyone... I don't always wear anything underneath ;) and often have my jacket as open as is decent!

REReader said...

(Wouldn't that feel stickier, wearing leathers with nothing underneath?)

Joolz said...

Well, isn't that a lovely thought. ;) That's changed how I'm going to look at all bikers in leather in this weather now. ;)

Greg Lestrade said...

Joolz - I should add I do usually wear boxers! But nothing else. Unless i'm really out on the road, when I'll wear some cooling under-leather gear, otherwise if you come off you really know about it!
I've also got some jeans that are a bit lighter than the full leathers - but summer leathers have a lot of airflow through them.

Joolz said...

Don't spoil it. ;)
I guessed you wouldn't want shorts like the guy I saw, even the thought of what the road could do to his bare skin if he came off was awful.

Greg Lestrade said...


Sadly you see it all the time - guys in t-shirts, or bare-chested with a tiny pair of shorts and some flip-flops on! There wouldn't be much skin left if they did come off.

REReader said...



Greg Lestrade said...

Whole piece on the radio about same sex couples holding hands, and how so many feel too afraid to. Sad world we live in.

Unknown said...

Hi everyone, re-emerging from the woodwork... or perhaps the jungle. I have been pushing very hard on the 2 year old canes of bittersweet, blackberry, multiflora, etc. in hopes of preventing them from going to seed again. Taking a little break from it this week to make, ta da, my daughter's wedding dress. :)
Congrats to Mycroft on the first bike, and condolences to Sherlock on the 7 year gap. Remember, youth is a self-correcting condition... eventually.

REReader said...


Seeing people--any people--holding hands always makes me smile.

REReader said...

Congratulations to your daughter, S!

Anonymous said...

Ornette Coleman died yesterday as well. I have a great memory of taking my son to see him 11-ish years ago when my son was 12 or 13 - the first of many musicians we've seen together that no one else we knew was interested in.

We're now in full summer, had our first 100 degree (F) day on Tuesday. The a/c in my car is crapping out. Fortunately I don't drive much, but now I have to decide if it's worth putting the money in to fix it.

Daily life is uninteresting but busy. Trying to make this a productive summer in SOME way, even if some of my larger goals aren't moving. No one I know well or am related to has been seriously ill or injured for nearly three months now, which is some kind of record.

Best to all. Listen to your doctor(s), L - both the in-house & the official one.


Greg Lestrade said...

it's been in the low/mid 20s here for a few days, on and off. And incredibly humid. They keep promising thunder storms and torrential rain, but we haven't had any yet. The allotment needs it!! I think I need it too...

REReader said...

We haven't reached 100 (F) in New York yet, fA, but it was into the 90s yesterday and SO HUMID. I hope you get some of those thunder storms, L--they've been promising 'em here, too, but so far nothing. Just standard New York August weather.

Greg Lestrade said...

we've had a tiny shower now. Visibility is so bad you can barely see a few streets away!

REReader said...

Sounds creepy... Have a lovely Saturday! (Shabbat shalom. :))

Greg Lestrade said...

hope you're all having a nice day. We've been in Green Park for the 41 gun salute and seeing the red arrows - sadly not the other planes, as the visibility is still so bad. And now it's lunch time ;)

Mycroft said...

The Philae Lander has recharged and 'woken up' now comet has moved closer to the Sun. Which is excellent news.

Anon Without A Name said...

It's great, isn't it? I don't believe I will ever get bored of what science and a need for exploration can achieve :-)

REReader said...

That's wonderful! I felt so bad for the scientists, especially considering what an amazing feat it is to land something on a comet at all.

Joolz said...

After a wet weekend it's time to go back to work so, of course, out comes the sun! :) Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Watching the red arrows & the gun salute sounds great fun even if you couldn't see too much else.

Great news re Philae, let's hope we get some fab pics & info to lead to amazing new discoveries.

Have a great day everyone. :)

pandabob said...

My kids were less than impressed by the weather this morning joolz, it is apparently 'totally unfair' that it rained yesterday so they couldn't play on the park but it's sunny now ;-) I just hope we keep the sun until Wednesday when my middle one has her first school trip because she's very excited about her trip to an adventure park :-)

I hope every one has a great day :-)

Kestrel337 said...

It's hot and humid where we are, too. Two week vacation to Washington DC and Virginia. Today is our 'regroup and do laundry' day, so I'm poking around on the webs while the clothes tumble. I'm not sure any of us have been adequately hydrated since we left Minnesota.

Greg Lestrade said...

I've bought my husband some chilli, cocoa shell and liquorice tea.... Because why not.

REReader said...

It is the best reason. :)

Joolz said...

Are those three separate teas or all one mixed together. I'm not sure I'd be overly keen either way to be honest, certainly not with liquorice.
So how does it /they taste then as I'm sure John wouldn't be able to resist a brew? ;)

Greg Lestrade said...

they're all mixed together - and I'm definitely not trying it, so he'll have to tell you!!

Unknown said...

hmm, I'd be curious! I like licorice, and cocoanut innards, never tasted the shell... or is it the kind of cocoa that chocolate comes from?
I've been handcuffed to the sewing machine this week,making The Dress. I have the lining layers mainly done, and a good start on the outside layer. When it was rainy on Monday it wasn't so bad, but it is going to be hard to give up a good yardwork day tomorrow!

Sherlock said...

can I have a giant tortoise like this one we could go for walks too


REReader said...

That is undoubtably an extremely cool pet! (But don't you think you might find it a little constraining, Sherlock, to have to keep your walks at a tortoise's speed?)

pandabob said...

What a fabulous idea Sherlock :-D every boy should have a tortoise.

Greg Lestrade said...

a. Exactly RR's point - your speed is not that of a giant tortoise.
b. It couldn't manage the stairs.

Tina said...

re reason b): that´s what stairlifts are for. You might need a pulley to put the tortoise on the seat, and there´s the question of balance, but stairs shouldn`t speak against it :-)

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