6 May 2017

Just wonder how, how did things ever get this far

Well. Been a while.

Firstly - my husband, John Watson, is amazing. He ran an entire marathon. And he really did run it - he said apart from the shuffle to get to the start line, when there are so many people you can barely move - he ran every step. Well, okay, he stopped for mere seconds to say hello to us and get a hug - but that was our fault. He wouldn't have stopped otherwise.

We managed to see him at a few places around the route, darting about on the tube to get ahead of him. He got slightly more pink and sweaty as he went, but never stopped having a slightly grim smile of determination on his face.

He's run 20 miles in training, and was fine. So now I know there's muscles in your legs which are only used in the final 6 miles of a marathon and to stand up from sitting down. Because the day after the marathon John would contort himself into a variety of awkward yoga poses going from sat position to vertical....a sort of crouch. Then bent at the waist, then slowly upward. I got things thrown at me for laughing - and this was during the day I'd taken off work to tend to his every need! Ungrateful creature.

So, here's my choice of picture from Geneva:

Yeah, maybe not the most original choice, but it's the Jet! I thought it was brilliant. And not just because it was on the opening to a show about super spies. Water comes out of that thing at 200km/hr!! So this was before we got closer and got very wet.

Here's Mycroft's - it's the first ever Hadron Collider they made, in 1957. It's...all big magnets and stuff. Is that a technical enough explanation? Anyway, it collides things. In the same way, but more slowly, that the big one does today. Amazing. 1957!! There's photos of men on horseback escorting bits of it through tiny rural villages as they were building it.

The boys quizzed the man who took us around - who was a REAL Particle Physicist - and he tried to answer them. But English was his 3rd language. Then I figured out he was Italian really, so I tried to help out with translations. Except my Italian doesn't entirely run to particle physics. So then the boys and the man just spoke in French....so don't ask me what they were talking about.

Here is Sherlocks. This took a lot of thought. He was torn between one from the mountain, which showed lots of Geneva, or another bit of Collider.... but we've gone for a bit of boat.

It's the very very cool Paddle steamer we went on. This was when it had stopped to pick some other people up. Does a lovely job of showing how beautifully clean the lake is.

Okay, okay, apparently now I HAVE to put up a pic of the boat, too...

This was when we were walking along the lake on another day and we saw it. I hope you can make it out well enough. It was stunning.

And John chose this - Broken Chair. And the rows of flags in the background lead to the UN building. Just down from the Red Cross. The broken chair symbolises opposition to landmines and cluster bombs. It's very powerful. And huge - 5.5 tonnes and 12 metres high. It was commissioned to get World Leaders to think about it as they arrived to the UN, and to sign the Ottawa Treaty.

Geneva was beautiful. One of those places you go that you just immediately feel like you could live there. John would go off running along the lakeside, the boys and I would get a coffee, sit on a wall or walk along the edge, watching the birds and fish. Everyone seemed friendly, and even my terrible French got me smiles and encouragement - unlike being somewhere like Paris. 

Work is...work. I feel old. I feel like we're just not making a difference. Finding kids aged 12 and younger carrying huge knives - and using them. I've no idea what we can do about it.


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pandabob said...

Thanks for sharing the photos Greg, it sounds like you had a lovely time which means the boys did a very impressive job :-)

I hope you've completely recovered from your run now John ;-)

Greg Lestrade said...

They did a stunning job of organising it. Very proud of them for working together, too!

REReader said...

What a wonderful holiday, and what evocative photos you all chose!

John, I am familiar with those last-6-miles-muscles from when I started tai chi--I was sore every single day for the first nine months, and I didn't do any running at all, I shudder to think how that would feel!

L, I'm sorry work is getting to you.

Greg Lestrade said...

Well, at least the footy has gone our way for once.

The allotment is very green. Lots of those caterpillars that cover everything in silk about though, eating like mad. Of course, they don't eat chard, the only thing that could keep pace with their appetites.

REReader said...

So I guess you're raising a fine crop of moths/butterflies? ;)

Greg Lestrade said...

It feels like London is. Brown tailed moths, apparently, so Sherlock tells me. Not very good for humans, other animals or the plants they destroy.

Now...will the French result be as good as the footy? Bloody worrying times.

Greg Lestrade said...


REReader said...

My thoughts exactly.

John H. D. Watson said...

Plague of moths: sign of the end times?

REReader said...

Moths: The locusts of the twenty-first century?

Greg Lestrade said...

I did have a weird dream the other night where someone was cutting me up and I was made of caterpillars...

Maybe we should check if I am, in fact, a lot of caterpillars stacked up into human form.

John H. D. Watson said...

I'll be happy to check.

Greg Lestrade said...


Just don't use a bread knife, like they did in the dream. Use some of those Doctory skills instead.

John H. D. Watson said...

No bread knife, I promise. Even if you do in fact turn out to be made from caterpillars.

Greg Lestrade said...

I was a bit too scared to ask what we'd do if I am, in fact, a pile of caterpillars. Would you be married to one caterpillar? Or all of them? Will I turn into a moth/many moths at some point? If I did, we could never have a candle lit dinner again...

John H. D. Watson said...

I admit, I do rather hope you're not actually made from caterpillars. For one thing, it would make traveling slightly awkward. I'm fairly certain other countries wouldn't welcome a human shaped caterpillar conglomeration, even you if you had a return ticket.

Greg Lestrade said...

Yeah. Would every caterpillar need a passport? And what about work, would I need a lorry to carry the warrant cards around in - and who can tell one caterpillar apart from another in the photos? It'd be a nightmare.

Still, if I am, they've (literally) held it together pretty well thus far.

Anonymous said...

If you are made up of caterpillars, they've done a brilliant job so far. I'd vote to leave them to it.

John ran it all! He really kind of scary. In a good way! You two both married well, no?

Geneva sounds amazing. Mycroft & Sherlock did a great planning job, not that that is surprising.

Sorry to hear the job is getting you down. Occupational hazard, but you seem to have done well keeping yourself from getting lost in it. A number of my extended family members have been cops, and the two I knew best didn't do so well. They just got more bitter and cynical and distrustful of people, as well as more bigoted in various ways. You've been so much more successful at remaining a decent human. Hope you get a good run of events and things feel better soon.


Anonymous said...

P.s. Never thought I'd see the French electorate as less xenophobic & racist and more level-headed than the American and British voters. But I'm glad SOMEbody chose not to run the train off a cliff. Yet.


Greg Lestrade said...

Yeah, I'm not even going to tell you guys the result of the caterpillar thing. You'll never know if I am, indeed, made of them. I'm Schroedingers Caterpillar(s).

REReader said...

I'm definitely in favor of not opening you up to find out!

Greg Lestrade said...

Happy birthday to the one and only Mycroft!!! We are so proud of you, we love you very much, and when you're home this weekend Sherlock is planning a cake based extravaganza.

REReader said...

Happy birthday, Mycroft, and I hope the year to come is joyous as well!

Joolz said...

Happy birthday Mycroft. Hope you have a wonderful day and get to the cake before it gets wolfed down by others in your household. :)

Mycroft said...

Thank you all.

And thank you for the glitter-filled balloons. Anthea wouldn't tell me who was responsible for them, but I feel they have all the hallmarks of some sort of Sherlockian plan, aided and abetted by Lestrade. I hope that John, at least, has enough decorum and sanity not to make Anthea walk the streets of Oxford holding such a thing.

REReader said...

GLITTER! Glitter is always celebratory! (Unless you're the one who has to clean it up. But even then, it's still celebratory, just also messy.)

Greg Lestrade said...

I think it was probably entirely John's fault.

Hope you've had a good day, big lad. Celebrate well. Try to make sure you can remember how you celebrated tomorrow.

pandabob said...

Happy birthday Mycroft :-)

Great job with the glitter Sherlock ;-)

Greg Lestrade said...

I'm imagining Anthea like some sort of kissogram assassin...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mycroft! (put in a good word for Lestrade if you think he might need it after that last image of Anthea . . .)


Piplover said...

Happy birthday, Mycroft! I hope the upcoming year is filled with all the happiness for you.

Joolz said...

Is anyone going to be around for a little Eurovision fun this evening or do people have other plans? It starts at 8.00 GMT and is usually available on streaming I think, too. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

I asked Mycroft if he minded... He rolled his eyes. I asked Sherlock, he said YES! I asked John... He said providing I made curry....

I'm making curry ;)

Greg Lestrade said...

Right, curry almost done - just adding chilli powder and chillies to John's, beer poured, and apparently Euro-Lunacy on the cards!

Let the madness commence!

pandabob said...

You can't beat a bit of Eurovision :-D

Joolz said...

I see Graham is already in sparkling form, ;)

Greg Lestrade said...

I am glad he pointed out the massive diversity! Good to see.......

Joolz said...

Isn't it just! ;)

Do the backing singers for this guy have bandages on their costume to patch him up from breaking into pieces... ;)

Greg Lestrade said...

Oh god I nearly choked. 'Her brother will be fiddling with her on stage tonight' I can't explain why to Sherlock either

pandabob said...

Three adults laughed out loud, three kids looked on confused ;-)

Joolz said...

It is just me or when they zoom in to the start of each song does the framework around the stage lit up look like someone squatting with their legs akimbo?

pandabob said...

Why are all the costumes black and white?

Greg Lestrade said...

Joolz - now I've seen it I can't unsee it.

Anony - because we have gone back to the 90s

pandabob said...

Totally joolz, :-D

Greg Lestrade said...

I say the two in dresses are the twins.

Lancs. Anon said...

One doesn't see enough cummerbunds these days, also the Hungarian looks like Bill Bailey but less musical!

Joolz said...

That rap bit sounds a bit like Rock Me Amadeus.

pandabob said...

The winner of everything has to be the dancing monkey! Nothing can beat that surely??!!

Joolz said...

Plus, he does meditation - you're right, Anonybob, he's the winner! ;)

Lancs. Anon said...

Got to say, the randomness of the gorilla will take some beating!

Greg Lestrade said...

You never know with Eurovision....

Joolz said...

Struggling to hear the words of Portugal but it has a real Disney vibe about it and I quite like the tune.

pandabob said...

Air violin? Got to love it

Greg Lestrade said...

Mrs Hudson says the blond presenter could be John's brother.

Joolz said...

Hands up who spots the first swear word they've snuck onto that blackboard. ;)

Joolz said...

Ooh, now I'm torn - gorilla bopper or horse head???

Greg Lestrade said...

The horse head man danced in an alarming way up that ladder. Health and safety should get onto that.

Greg Lestrade said...

I'm voting Croatian man with no friends but lots of personalities....

pandabob said...

a do it yourself duet has to be the saddest thing ever ;-)

Joolz said...

I'm actually quite liking that one - I'd certainly like to see Graham's version with half man, half drag. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

Australian boy has a very large mouth.

On a side note, can we not travel freely to Australia on our EU passports after Brexit?

Joolz said...

I want some neeeebles!

Joolz said...

They're certainly getting into it aren't they. I don't think they've said the name of the song enough though. He sounded a bit strained on the high bit.

Joolz said...

I'm so glad they've interrupted the songs for this!

Greg Lestrade said...

Surely no one will vote for us - especially with Brexit!

pandabob said...

No one will vote for her but she's done a great job of it which is all she could possibly have hoped for when she set off :-)

Joolz said...

We never get votes usually anyway because of all the politics and you're right that we have even less chance this year with Brexit. That wasn't bad though, quite liked it, though I have heard another version which had a boppy bit in the middle which I think was a little better.

Joolz said...

She can certainly yodel with the best of them. Something scarily catchy about it.

Greg Lestrade said...

...well, she seemed good at yodelling. But very poor at singing...

Lancs. Anon said...

Romanian, best song yet!

Lancs. Anon said...

I totally wanted that hair when I was seventeen

Joolz said...

Sounds a bit like Titanium by Sia.

Greg Lestrade said...

she seemed bored by her own song.... whereas these guys seem too sharp for their own good

Joolz said...

More sockless performers - is there some sort of shortage in Ukraine of which we are unaware?

Lancs. Anon said...

I bet that's dead handy for stopping your sleeves going up in side your (very short) jacket Sleeves!

Greg Lestrade said...

He's a child! And he has a deeper voice than most singers here.

Joolz said...

Well, I have to say that none of them jumped out at me as an outright winner. I thought our girl was good but we obviously won't win. Quite liked Croatia with the split singer and the yodelling was weird but catchy so not really sure who to go for.

Greg Lestrade said...

Sweden was quite catchy, and a good place in the order. Plus, treadmill skills. Memorable.

Greg Lestrade said...

And if you don't vote for Azerbaijan they will leave a horse's head in your bed...

pandabob said...

We have split opinions in this house but the yodelling is one of the favourites.

Greg Lestrade said...

well....the mooning stagecrasher gets my vote :D

Greg Lestrade said...

Can't say Portugal really got me, but well done.

Joolz said...

It wasn't my favourite but it was ok I guess and nice for them to win after all this time. Well done to all and thanks for playing along, it was great fun, as always. :)

pandabob said...

Thanks for the entertainment guys :-)

I hope you didn't cringe too hard all night Mycroft ;-)

REReader said...

Looks like you had quite the viewing party! (I'm sorry I missed it, but that's life...)

Anonymous said...

I saw some references to Eurovision online earlier (my gosh some of those visuals!) and thought of you guys. You and John and the denizens of this blog (do blogs have denizens?) are firmly associated with Eurovision in my head probably forever!


Greg Lestrade said...

So just as drought is announced we get 24 hours unrelenting rain.... John reports the allotment has gone from dusty to boggy.

REReader said...

We had those rains on Saturday! (Now it's 89F in NYC. Supposed to be even hotter tomorrow. In MAY.)

Kestrel337 said...

It's been raining here all week, off and on. I just rescued hubster's kite collection; a run-out had come off a downspout, so the water was just being funneled directly down the foundation and into the dungeon. (Dungeon being what we call the unfinished portion of the basement). Now there are kites hanging all over my laundry room.

REReader said...

How Mary Poppins of you, Kestrel! (With apologies for Dick Van Dyke's--you should excuse the expression--accent. ;) )
For those who want a link!

Greg Lestrade said...

Good thing about rain - fewer murders. Which we could do with at the moment.
Bad thing - the unrelenting wet and grey really getting me down.

I think I need a holiday.

Kestrel337 said...

Blergh for grey weather in general. And RR, that was my first movie in the theater, so it's special regardless of the poor accent. (And I jokingly refer to Julie Andrews as my 'first voice teacher' because I used to spend literally hours listening to the soundtrack and trying to replicate her sound) I guess I could do worse than be Mary Poppins!

REReader said...

"I used to spend literally hours listening to the soundtrack and trying to replicate her sound" Oh, good--I thought it was just me! :D

Greg Lestrade said...

There is a growing orb in the sky...which naturally means I'm working.

Joolz said...

Working inside when it's nice out is always miserable, you're right. Are you on all weekend or do you get a nice Sunday off to spend with your family after such a busy time lately. Hope you get some time together even if it's not the whole day. Maybe Sherlock & Mrs H could do some lovely baking for your return if you are working; I know that would cheer me up. :)

REReader said...

I hope everyone did something fun at some point during the weekend...

Kestrel337 said...

I hope you did, too, RR. And that things are well with everyone.

We saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Enjoyed it very much!

Greg Lestrade said...

Had yesterday and today off. Was going to do some work on the bike, but it was so beautiful today I couldn't be indoors.

Very sad to hear about Nicky Hayden though.

REReader said...

Please tell me no one we know was anywhere near the Ariana Grande concert. (It's sad enough as it is.)

pandabob said...

I hope today isn't too nuts Greg :-(

Greg Lestrade said...

Just thinking of those families and friends who have lost someone. Those kids who will never forget what they saw last night. And the emergency services who won't either.

Anonymous said...

There're a lot of hard places & situations in the world right now (not that there aren't always.) I'm happy to "know" via this blog people committed to making the world a better place, even if sometimes all we can do is to support those around us.


REReader said...

Hear, hear!

Greg Lestrade said...

We need The Saint...or James Bond... Maybe The Persuaders? RIP Sir Rog. You may not have been my favourite Bond, but you did seem like you'd be the nicest one to sit next to at dinner.

Very strange having the army on the streets of London. Doesn't feel very nice.

Sherlock's school have asked me to go and give a talk to the younger kids to set them at ease... this after however many years of having to stop Sherlock telling the other kids gruesome details about murders! I figure they're getting their money's worth out of me before he goes to big school.

REReader said...

I know I was not happy seeing military jets over Manhattan after 9/11, so I know what you mean, L. It just feels wrong.

I bet Sherlock is pleased about you coming in to speak!

Greg Lestrade said...

Well, small children (hopefully) reassured. Managed to persuade one of the guys who was going off-duty to come long for 15 mins with his explosives sniffer dog, Milly. Kids find that dog way more reassuring than any number of human officers.

Now about to bike home in blazing sunshine with every hope of lolling about in the park for an hour or so once I'm home. Make a change of working with an entire building of very angry people.

pandabob said...

it's nice of you to take the time to help the kids with all this even if you really didn't have a choice ;-)

I hope the sun and the park brighten your day and rid your mind of angry people :-)

REReader said...

I hope the park-lolling was up to standard!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you (and of course Millie) helped at least a few of the kids feel a bit better. Enjoy all the good times with good people you can get!


pandabob said...

Are you likely to catch the cup final Greg or are you busy keeping people safe today?

Joolz said...

Well that's something to bring a nice bit of cheer to your weekend, Greg. ;) Well done to the Gunners.

Enjoy your weekend everyone. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

Very happy!!! May have squeezed John and picked him up and spun him around....

REReader said...

I hope everyone's had a good week while I've been offline for Shavuot...

Speaking of "big school" (which you were, L, a week or so ago, I'm so quick on the uptake), has Sherlock made any decisions along those lines?

REReader said...

Is everyone okay? Are you dealing with this London Bridge thing (we don't have very exact news here yet), L?

Anonymous said...

Yeah we do think of you when there's any kind of disaster or violence in London. Especially as even if you've no personal or direct involvement it's got to ratchet up the tension and stretch the resources for those of you working for the police forces.


Greg Lestrade said...

yeah, very busy.

Greg Lestrade said...

Another week, another minute silence... far too many recntly.

REReader said...


Joolz said...

Just off to set up the Polling Station for the Election so don't forget to all pop out and vote if you get the chance & keep your polling teams busy on their long day. ;)

Have a great day everyone. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

I could honestly have forgotten all about the election. Been too busy, and the timing was so tight, plus the suspensions of campaigns. Luckily got people to remind me. What a difference from the US elections

REReader said...

You lot have a much more sensible view of election campaigning.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, RR. Faint praise that is. At this point singing badgers in clown suits would seem a more sensible mode of election campaigning than what we've made for ourselves!


REReader said...

Actually, I would LOVE singing badgers in clown suits! Campaigning via memes.... Something to ponder. :D

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that the idea that one can heighten security while drastically cutting police & ancillary support staffing may get some push back following the elections. Does it seem like anything changed enough to expect reconsideration of some of what's being done to the NHS? (Yeah, I know. Nothing's ever actually simple . . .)


Anon Without A Name said...

I think "singing badgers in clown suits" might have a bit more credibility than the state of politics in the UK right now.

Anon Without A Name said...

Hello all, BTW. Interesting times, right?

Greg Lestrade said...

It seems odd that such a complete mess can also be better than many of us hoped for...

Anonymous said...

That hit the nail on the head Greg.


Greg Lestrade said...

Absolutely heartbreaking news coming from the fire in West London.

REReader said...

I was just reading about it--fire is so terrifying.

Kestrel337 said...

Today stinks. Is everyone okay?

Greg Lestrade said...

I dont really know what to say. I have seen far far too much death recently.

Anonymous said...

Be good to each other everyone.


REReader said...

What fA said.

Anon Without A Name said...

There's something really quite upsetting about observing a minute's silence for the victims of one tragedy whilst the news is reporting another.

Also, Brian Cant has died, and I think I'm running out of heartbreak, so if everything could just stop for a while, that would be helpful.

REReader said...

Could we have a do-over on the past few years? (Would we do better if we had a do-over?)

REReader said...

Hey, all--my dad is not doing well, tell me something happy, please?

pandabob said...

I'm sorry RR :-(

Not doing great for happy things anywhere right now BUT it is school sports day today and for the first time in years it's not actually raining :-D all three of my kids are excited because it's the first one they've all been involved in and I'm trying not to worry about all the things I should be doing today instead of yoyoing back and forth to school to watch them all. ;-)

I hope the day brings something good for everyone, even if only a little thing.

Anon Without A Name said...

I'm sorry to hear that RR.

For happy things, I recommend the @dog_rates twitter account, full of excellent dogs for your perusal and delight. Alternatively, I brng you this: https://twitter.com/BevanJa/status/876914172595904512 - Londoners bringing flowers to Finsbury Park Mosque in solidarity with the people who worship there.

REReader said...

Thanks, Nameless--Cute puppies are cute and unity is heartwarming!

It looks like we are going to have to move my father to hospice care in the very near future. It's very hard.

Anonymous said...

Oh RR, I'm sorry to hear that. Good hospice care can be a huge relief for the family (in my experience) in some ways, but it doesn't fix the one thing everyone wishes were different. I'll be holding your dad and family in my intentions.


Greg Lestrade said...

Best wishes to your dad and all your family, RR.

Good news feels fairly sparse recently.

John and Sherlock did bring some strawberries home from our allotment yesterday. Delicious, all the more for being home grown.

REReader said...

Thanks, L and fA.

Next time, see if you can get a photo of the strawberries before they disappear, please! :)

Kestrel337 said...

I'm sorry, RR, and will hold your family in my heart.

piplover said...

Sorry to hear things aren't going well with your dad, RR. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

The past few months have been rather horrible, haven't they? At least we have each other. Sometimes that's all we can ask for. I'm so thankful I've met everyone here, even if just in cyberspace.

Tomorrow I'm going to a free showing of the Princess Bride at a local theater. I think a little fantasy and "twu love" is what the world needs.

Joolz said...

Sorry to hear about your Dad, RR. I'm sure they'll give him the very best care and you'll be able to cheer him along with your visits.

That sounds like a great idea, Piplover; I love that film, even if it does have 'kissing parts'. :)

I agree, it is great to have everyone on here to help get us through these things, everyone is very supportive which is just what is needed. If anyone was interested I would be happy to do one of our games for Wimbledon if anyone wanted to try and lift their spirits a little but it's only a suggestion if you don't feel it's appropriate.

Anon Without A Name said...

Hi Joolz - I don't know about anyone else (and I don't know anything about tennis), but I could definitely do with a little lifting of the spirits right now.

REReader said...

Thanks, all.

I'm in favor of a Wimbledon game!

Anonymous said...

I'm in for Wimbledon. Even though I haven't been following the game as closely this last year or so - refreshing myself on the young ones will be a fun distraction!


REReader said...

It's the first day of schools' summer break in NYC today--how far off is it elsewhere?

(My dad's hanging in there.)

Anonymous said...

Ha. School's been out since the end of May here. (They go back before mid-August though).

Hope your dad's days are as easy as they can be, I'm thinking of you all.


REReader said...

Ah, they go back to school after Labor Day here, I think.


Greg Lestrade said...

Joolz - feel free to do a game for Wimbledon! I don't think I'll take part - I just haven't got enough room in my brain right now for a sport I don't even know anything about. But use the blog to run it for everyone else - gladly donate some comment space for a bit of fun.

Joolz said...

Hi Everyone

Well, as Greg has kindly allowed us to waste his space to play, here is our Wimbledon 2017 Competition if anyone wants to have a go - all friends and family (however old or young) are welcome too. If you click the link below it will take you to the entry form. It is a bit long for this first round as there are so many matches but you can save it halfway along if you want to take a break and come back to it later.
Don't worry if you don't know anything about tennis, it's just a bit of fun so do have a go if you want to. [My own highly strategic plan was to go for the seeded players and the names I liked - so you can tell how much I know about tennis! ;)] The first game is on Monday 3rd July so you have all weekend to enter from the beginning, but you can also join at any point if you don't want to get in right from the start and I'll start you off from the lowest score point so you'll have time to work your way up to the top. :)

Best of luck to everyone. Thanks. :)

Joolz said...

Lancs Anon - I know you're going to completely hate me, 'cause you went through the whole form but you have just put who you think will win and not an actual score so you only have the chance of 1 point in each game instead of the chance of an extra point for getting the score correct. If you want to leave it as it is that's fine and I'll just take it as the player that wins, if you want to do it again and put it the score for each game, you've have the chance for a full score. Women's matches will be 0-2/2-0 or 1-2/2-1 and Men's matches will either be 0-3/3-0, 1-3/3-1 or 2-3/3-2. Sorry. :)

REReader said...

I expect I will fill this out tonight when I'm looking for a distraction, thank you, Joolz.

My father passed away this morning.

Lancs. Anon said...

Sorry to hear that, RE, it's always sudden no matter how much one is expecting it. You should take all the distractions you can over the next few weeks.

pandabob said...

So sorry RR. Thinking of you and yours right now.

Anon Without A Name said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, ReRe - my condolences to you and yours.

John H. D. Watson said...

I'm so sorry, RR. We'll be thinking of you and your family.

Joolz said...

Oh dear, so sorry to hear that, RR, all thoughts are with you and your family at this time.

REReader said...

Thank you everyone--sincerely appreciated.

Piplover said...

I'm so sorry to here that, RR. Your family is in my prayers.

Joolz said...

I think in the circumstances we ought to call a halt to this first week of Wimbledon and give RR some time to honour her Dad.

If people are still interested we can play the second week which should be more interesting and have less choices to make. (Thank you to those who went through that long form for the first round!). Would anyone still like to do that?

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear of your dad's death, RR. It is always hard, even if not unexpected. I hope you are all able to celebrate your dad's life amidst the mourning. I'll be thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

Joolz, I was coming in late to the first week anyway, so I'd like to do just the second.

Will the folks who filled out both weeks get to go back in and redo their 2nd week after the 2nd week is over, or should we latecomers go ahead and fill in the 2nd week ASAP? You're doing the bulk of the work so you make the call!

(I don't *think* I'm unhealthily competitive, but it seemed like it should be an even playing - or in my case guessing! - field.)


Anonymous said...

"redo their 2nd week after the 1st week is over" is what I meant, obviously.


Greg Lestrade said...

So sorry to hear about your Dad, RR. As John said, you and your family are all in our thoughts.

Joolz said...

Everyone can enter the second week afresh, fA. The first couple of rounds finish on Saturday so what I'll do is put up an entry form on Saturday night and then people have until Monday morning to enter which is when the next round starts. It will be quite a quick turnaround as different rounds will be finishing each day so I'll do one form for the whole tournament which people can fill in as a baseline and then I'll put up a new updated mini-form each night, so if people have time they can have a new guess with the specific players listed or if they don't have time to do it each day they will have their baseline entry to fall back on. Hope that makes sense.

REReader said...

Again, thank you for all the good thoughts--it means a lot. And thank you for the delayed game, Joolz, that will be s lot easier for me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Joolz, for being willing to retool the form. And for setting this up in the first place - there is a place in heaven(take that literally or metaphorically as works for you) for those who create community.


Joolz said...

Hello everyone.

Here is our Wimbledon 2017 Competition. We are starting at the Fourth Round so there are only 16 matches to predict so not too gruesome a task, I hope. :)

If you click the link below it will take you to the entry page. Anyone can enter, whether you post comments or just enjoy reading these excellent blogs or are friends and family - all are welcome so please do join in and have a go. The next round begins on Monday but you can join at any stage and I will start you from when your entry is received.


If you think you might miss one of the nights this week or just want to enter this as an extra back-up plan then you can also fill in this second form.
Each night I will put up the next round which will only be a couple of questions each time so if you want to predict using the specific players who have won each day then you can enter again and I will take the most recent prediction over your back-up answer so you don't have to worry if it's a different entry.


Good luck everyone. :)

Joolz said...

Plenty of time left for anyone who wants to join our Wimbledon competition. There are only a few predictions to make for this Fourth Round so it won't take you long to fill in the form if anyone wants to have a go, so please feel free to join in the fun, friends and family welcome, too. :)

Joolz said...

The baby pandas are very welcome to join in again, Anonybob, if they want to, of course. :)

Federicorn is nicely through to the fourth round, too, John, as I'm sure you're aware, so there should be some good matches to watch through the week.

REReader said...

Entered! Thanks for doing this, Joolz.

Joolz said...

Hello and welcome to the first day of our competition. We have 6 players and anyone else is welcome to join at any time and I will start you at the lowest score so you have an equal chance of winning as everyone else.

There were quite a few perfect scores today and I think everyone had at least one but our current leader stormed ahead with 7 perfect scores so well done, REReader, off to a great start. :)

19 - REReader
16 - Joolz
15 - Nameless
12 - Lancs Anon
10 - KT
9 - Anonybob

We only have four predictions to make for tomorrow so it should be a nice quick one. Please click the link below to enter. There is still one of the Men's matches from today to play so I will put up the Men's Quarterfinals tomorrow when they are all done.


Thanks and good luck. :)

REReader said...

Hahahahahahaha! (I think I recognized four names out of all of them...)

Anonymous said...

Joolz you are SO AWESOME to set it up so the dilatory & distracted (me) can still sign on!
Just been a busy two weeks - both mildly bad and pretty darn good so no need to feel concerned - and I have barely been online let alone getting my guesses down.

I haven't even seen many of the matches. (but omg Rafa's today sounded v. dramatic! as well as a bit heart-wrenching)


Greg Lestrade said...

Thanks for all your efforts, Joolz, and good luck everyone!

Joolz said...

Hi all

We had the four Ladies Quarterfinal matches to predict today, plus the remaining Men's fourth round match from yesterday. A few perfect scores were achieved again and somebody needs to wrestle back the top from me please, so I'm looking to you guys. ;)

22 - Joolz
20 - REReader, Nameless
16 - Lancs Anon
15 - KT
13 - Anonybob

For tomorrow we have the Men's Quarterfinal matches and I've also put up the Ladies' Semifinal matches which will be played on Thursday. If the predictions are made in enough time, I will put them up in advance (sorry, I know that's my fault for doing it so late). Please click the link below for the entry form.

Good luck everyone. :)

REReader said...

Hurrah, Joolz! (And form filled out. :) ) Thanks for all your work!

Anon Without A Name said...

Hi Joolz - I didn't get to this in time, so I've skipped the men's games and given predictions for the ladies, I hope that's OK. And thank you, for doing this for us :-)

Joolz said...

That's fine, Nameless, I've included you for the Ladies Semi-final predictions below. :)

Two surprise results today that no-one had anticipated so no points were scored for anyone on the Murray or Djokovic games, but Lancs Anon and REReader both managed a perfect score on the Cilic game so well done for that. :)

24 - Joolz
23 - REReader
20 - Nameless
19 - Lancs Anon
15 - KT
14 - Anonybob

The predictions for tomorrow's ladies' semi-finals are:
Muguruza v Rybarikova
Joolz 2-0, Nameless 2-1, Lancs Anon 1-2, Anonybob 2-1, REReader 2-1, KT 1-2.

Williams v Konta
Joolz 1-2, Nameless 1-2, Lancs Anon 2-1, Anonybob 1-2, REReader 2-1, KT 2-1.

It looks like an even split for the Konta game but she did amazingly well just to reach the semis so the best of luck to her either way.

Good luck tomorrow. :)

Joolz said...

It would probably help if I put up the link to the next game! ;)

Here is the form to make the predictions for the Men's Semi-finals.

REReader said...

Done! Thanks again, Joolz, I really appreciate your work!

Greg Lestrade said...

The queen opened new new Scotland yard today... we're all calling it 'the new yard' but it should really be the new new yard...

I didn't get to say hi. But I imagine if I had she would have asked how the boys are. Regaled me with stories of a young Mycroft pulling the corgis tails... of course, he claims never to have met her. But do we believe him??

pandabob said...

As if Mycroft would ever tell a lie ;-)

I hope the new new yard is a decent place to work :-)

REReader said...

One thing is for sure: If Her Majesty had every met either of them, she would definitely remember them. :)

REReader said...

(ever met, not every...)

Joolz said...

Nice to hear you're now officially New New, Greg, though you're right that is a bit of a mouthful. I have to side with Mycroft here; I'm sure if Corgi tails were being pulled that Sherlock would more likely have been the culprit. ;) (sorry Sherlock)

The Ladies' Semi-finals matches were both fast and furious today and well played though, unfortunately, knocked out our last Brit singles player, though she held up well I thought. I also watched the two Mixed Double matches afterwards as I was actually off today and it was nice to see two Brits getting through to the next round there - Watson and Murray - (hmm, me thinks that sounds familiar - has there been moonlighting going on!) ;)

The table today:
26 - Joolz
25 - REReader
21 - Nameless
20 - Lancs Anon
16 - KT
15 - Anonybob

The predictions for tomorrow's Men's Semi-finals are:
Querrey v Cilic
Joolz 2-3, Nameless 2-3, Lancs Anon 2-3, Anonybob 3-2, REReader 1-3, KT 3-1.

Federer v Berdych
Joolz 3-1, Nameless 3-1, Lancs Anon 3-1, Anonybob 3-1, REReader 3-2, KT 3-2.

We only have one prediction to make today for the Ladies' Final so please click the link below.

Good luck :)

Joolz said...

Men's semi-finals today and I'm sure John is very happy to have Federicorn through to the final so let's hope he can pull it off and claim victory on Sunday.

The table is as follows:

28 - REReader, Joolz
23 - Nameless
22 - Lancs Anon
17 - KT
16 - Anonybob

For the predictions for the Ladies' Final tomorrow I have two entries for both Nameless and Anonybob. Nameless - yours are both the same so that's fine but Anonybob - yours are different, both for Venus, but one is 0-2 and the other is 1-2 so if you see this before the game could you let me know which you'd rather use please.

The predictions are:
Muguruza v Williams
Joolz 1-2, Nameless 1-2, Lancs Anon 0-2, Anonybob 0-2/1-2, REReader 1-2, KT 2-1.

One final prediction to make for this tournament please, if you would click the link below.

Good luck everyone. :)

pandabob said...

Sorry joolz, I'm an idiot!! 0-2 is the one I'm going for I think :-)

Joolz said...

Well, that was unlucky for Venus, it would have been nice if she could have won again after all this time, but that's not to take anything away from Garbine who played excellently so well done to her. As far as we're concerned it was also well done to KT who scored a perfect game and was the only person to get points from that match at all so good on you. :)

The table going in to the last match is:
28 - REReader, Joolz
23 - Nameless
22 - Lancs Anon
19 - KT
16 - Anonybob

Today's final is between Cilic and Federer (and I think we all know who John is going for) ;) It looks like everyone else thinks the same as we have all also picked Federer as the victor - some as 1-3 and some as 2-3 - and that is also how the winner of our game will be decided as the two leaders have gone for one of each score (I sort of hope it ends up as 2-3, as it feels a little awkward if I win my own game!) ;/

Anyway the predictions are as follows:
Cilic v Federer
Joolz 1-3, Nameless 2-3, Lancs Anon 2-3, Anonybob 1-3, REReader 2-3, KT 2-3.

Good luck and thanks for playing. :)

REReader said...


Joolz said...

Well, is Roger Federer amazing or what! Shame for Marin Cilic, he tried hard with a bad foot and everything, but the skill of Federicorn shone through and he fought his way to a record 8th Wimbledon Single Men's Title in amazing style. None of us predicted straight sets as a result so we all got one point each for this last game so there was no change in the leadership and it ended with two at the top so huge congratulations go to REReader and Joolz for winning our Wimbledon 2017 competition.

29 - REReader, Joolz
24 - Nameless
23 - Lancs Anon
20 - KT
17 - Anonybob

Here is a congratulatory banner for you, REReader, for a well played game. :)

Can I just thank everyone for playing and taking the time to enter each day with such a short turnaround. It was great fun and I enjoyed it as much as I hope you did. We have the World Cup rolling around next year if anyone is up for that nearer the time.

Thanks everyone. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

Well done to ReReader and Joolz! Well played everyone. John is indeed happy that Federicorn won. If his jumping about and fist pumping is anything to go by. Thanks for organising, Joolz.

REReader said...

Thanks, Joolz, that was fun!

And congratulations, John--I'm sure you're ten times as excited as I am!

pandabob said...

Thanks for the game Joolz and congrats to you and RR, well played both of you :-)

I'm glad you were happy with result John :-)

REReader said...

My mom and I just finished watching this week's episode of what PBS calls The Great British Baking Show (I know it's properly called something a bit different and that it actually aired ages ago in the U.K., so don't say who won, please!)--I really love that show! I can't think it will be the same with different judges and hosts. :(

How's everyone doing? Is it summer holidays yet?

Greg Lestrade said...

It is a great show - and no, it won't be the same.

Everyone who gets holiday is indeed now enjoying it. Although Sherlock is being entertained this week by a club at another school, where they are learning about tropical birds of paradise - and also making models of them, drawing them etc. It at least takes up a small portion of his energy. As does telling us all about them.

Mycroft's holidays are, as always, filled with things which sound suspiciously like work...but he seems happy, so who's to argue? He's requested some..documents? books? something from various libraries, which he'll be going off to see.

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