5 March 2012

Hi ho, hi ho...

...it's off to work I go...

Well, tomorrow.

As most of you will have seen, I got a call into work today, and I'm back tomorrow, no charges against me. Suspension over.

Saying I'm relieved isn't exactly accurate - because I did always think this would be the outcome. But there's always a nagging doubt, especially after the second interview, when it didn't feel like much was going my way. So...glad it's over, definitely. Looking forward to getting back to work. Not looking forward to getting up early. Not looking forward to catching up.

But, yeah, in the end it all turned out well.

Can you imagine the smile I got when I got home? It was a bit like this:

Which, I think you'll agree, is a smile which looks a LOT like this:

Isn't he just adorable?? He's barely changed at all. (I feel reasonably safe posting this, as people will miss me if I don't turn up for work tomorrow. And by the time I'm home again - Thursday, say - he might have forgotten)


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Anonymous said...

Way after the battle (no pun intended), but there is a play about the Trojan War: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trojan_War_Will_Not_Take_Place

When I was around 11, we attempted to wrote a mystery novel in literature class. The part I had to write was, well, the autopsy scene. Interesting.
The moose and pirate play sounds quite fun :)

Anon from Paris

Anonymous said...

And I forgot to reload the page before posting... CR I'm very sorry about your cat.


Anonymous said...

so what happened to the 200 problem?


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