Work's been..busy. As you can probably imagine.
Otherwise, life is good! We've dialled our running schedule right back, in preparation for the weekend...Yes, we'll be doing the half marathon this weekend. Terrifyingly.
We are going to be cheered on (well, if they can drag themselves away from ice cream and the excitement of the parks) by Sherlock, Mrs Hudson, Jo, Lisa and Tadgh. Unless it's horribly rainy etc, in which case they might all amuse themselves doing far more fun things, and we shall wearily trudge home at the end with the hope of hot drinks and lots of food...
So here's our route.
John and Sherlock are going to pick up our 'race packs' after school on Wednesday - when we'll get our numbers, and it'll all feel horribly more real than it already does...
Distressingly, I qualify as a 'senior man'. Hrmm.
Anyway, here's the pictures we took the other day - we went for a little wander through town, and the poppies are really filling out now. Very powerful.
In other news - one of my cases is going well (blood left at the scene by the offender. Lovely.) and others are going badly (domestic violence, the murkiest case ever, allegations and counter allegations, changing stories, angry relatives trying to get involved)... honestly, I hate cases like these, because it's so hard to know what's truth and what isn't.
Sorry we've been a bit quiet. To be honest, it's hard to know what to say! Life is good :) John's working more, Sherlock's becoming more self-sufficient, and Mycroft definitely deserves his privacy, so, well, it just gets a bit difficult. But we're still here. And you're still there, and it's nice to know. I enjoy our little chats in comments.
Oh - it will no doubt make some of you very happy to know that the other day the Borough Commander was knocking around the building. Could he come in and find me when I was diligently doing work in my office? No. He arrived as I shot out of my office, singing and dancing to The Locomotion, to give a file back to one of my officers. Professional. Yes.
Which bit of this is my fault? Because the half marathon is definitely your fault. I know it was my (possibly terrible) idea, but you got us into this specific one.
I would never have thought of it without you!!
happy staff are far more important than professional ones Greg ;-)
I'm glad life is treating you all well at the minute, long may it last :-D
I shall remember that line, AnonyBob...would have preferred a slightly more tasteful song, though!
Indeed, Anony! L, you were building morale, very important. *nods firmly*
You all deserve a good stretch of general contentment.
If the Borough Commander looks at your team's record, he may institute mandatory staff discos on Fridays (horrible thought, no?), since it seems you've maintained a respectable set of statistics. (Based on the fact they send you off-island to clean up others' problems.)
P.s. If there is "blame" for your feats of athleticism, I'd say you two are co-conspirators.
my, that is a convoluted route. I guess you have to fold it in on itself a bit to make it fit into the available parks. presumably there are checkpoints at the places where the route doubles back on itself to make sure people don't trim off any. Nice that you go by some of the significant architectural attractions. Any hills? (the Boston marathon is famous for some long ones) My hat is off to you both, both for the run itself and all the training leading up to it.
I think every distance marker has a checker on it, and we'll all wear a transponder thing on our number, so it can track us....
Molly just showed me a video of scientists feeding magnetic things to an MRI machine. Sherlock, i'll show you when I'm home :)
We just got a new MRI machine at my surgery last Monday, and I'm both amazed and a bit terrified of it. They have these huge signs outside the door about what not to bring near it, and I keep imagining my rings and watch going flying through the air!
They also showed us pictures at a safety lecture of things like walkers, canes and crutches which had got stuck in them. Technology is cool!
That video sounds most extremely cool, I'd love to see that, if it's publicly accessible. :) (Scientists, all the way at bottom they just want to try things and see what happens!)
Yup, RR, that's where scientists start! It's why I think Sherlock could be a good one, if he's interested in later years.
Well, that and wanting to know the why of everything! Which actually strengthens your point, if, as you say, it's something Sherlock decides he wants to do. :)
I saw a quote once somewhere that said science isn't so much 'eureka!' as 'Huh...that's weird...'
Here's the video - and Sherlock has already tried to persuade John to get him near an MRI.
(That chair is a lot stronger than I would have guessed...)
Hope just springs eternal with Sherlock, doesn't it?
(Kestrel, I think that's about right!)
Best of luck with your race, guys.
My other ankle has just rolled and is showing it's metaphorical belly. But I'm trying to not schedule surgery for a little bit. If you were my employer, how annoyed would you be that I would need to take up to two months off within a year of being employed?
Oh Becca, that's a damn shame. Of course your employer would rather you be working, but they have to know that sometimes stuff happens. They don't have to be happy, as long as they don't use it as an excuse to fire you. You deserve to take care of yourself.
I hope you don't put it off, or not for long, if putting it off means a slower/worse recovery or if the surgery will improve a chronic pain issue. You can prepare as much as possible before you leave, and then they can just look forward to your return, right?
Oh Becca, I'm so sorry to hear that. Echoing fA in hoping you can get it sorted and not put surgery off if it will make things worse.
Sorry you're struggling becca.
Is it recommended that you do less running in the run up to a big race Greg? I've never been a runner so I was just wondering if that's why you've dialled dialled right back,
I hope your cases are getting sorted and your day is going reasonably well :-)
Hope it works out okay, Becca - work and the ankle.
I echo the rest, Becca--take care of yourself and I hope your employer can see it's to his/her advantage to have you fully functional.
Hey, Anonybob, isn't tomorrow your birthday? I'll wish you a happy birthday now--have a wonderful day!--, as I'll be offline for the next several days. (Sukkot starts tonight--that's the one where we eat outside in little huts. It's fun, but this year also chilly!)
And have the race packs been collected successfully? Best of luck on the running of!
Mycroft, if you go to Oxford, will you join in with things like this?
That looks like a nice course, Lestrade! Lots of shade from sun/rain (the latter if today's any indication). Take something GPSy with you when you go, though, and see if they measured it correctly. I have heard that the Shine marathon we walked two weekends ago was a bit longer than standard!
Hope your ankle is better soon, Becca. If it helps, you can always remind your boss that being out for 2 months is better than longer for making it worse. I had an Airman once that refused to take time off for his broken ankle, which turned into three fractures in his leg.
Have a nice holiday, RR, and happy birthday, Anonybob, just in case!
fA - I think it's Oxford uni, so no, not school ties. But lots of schools do have uniforms like that - trousers, shirt, blazers, ties etc.
yeah RR I am marking another passing year tomorrow so thank you for the good wishes thanks to you too DW :-)
I hope you gents are having a nice evening :-)
Thanks everyone. And hi DW!
I am hopefully seeing my surgeon next week to discuss all.
RR, I thought Sukkot was coming up. There is a strange wooden structure at my local supermarket and we've been joking that they're building a hut for it.
Happy birthday Anonybob! Hope you have a good one.
Happy birthday from me as well, Anonybob! I am sure you will have cake, since your young ones would not let you neglect that part of the celebrations. I hope it's a good day & a healthy, happy year!
Thank you for the birthday wishes guys, it's been a very special day so far, my little girls have spoilt me rotten and we have lots of cake for after school as well :-)
I hope everyone is having a good, or at least a productive day :-)
Happy birthday Anonybob, glad you've had lots of spoiling from your girls. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Hope everyone else has had a good day too. :)
Glad your girls have treated you right, AnonyBob - and very glad you have lots of cake. I've been persuaded that birthdays aren't the same without it.
I'm knee deep in paperwork, trying to get it all clear so I can enjoy a few days off after our run ;)
Hope the Big Run goes well! You guys should be proud of yourselves.
I'm embarking on my annual three days of music festival. Hope everyone else anticipates a good weekend, also, even if big events aren't on the agenda.
Yes good luck on the run! Have fun and, you know, don't die or anything.
Best wishes for the run, guys. I'm off on holiday tomorrow first thing (by John's standards) so look forward to reading about it on my return.
Greetings all. Is it bulking up on carbs today in readiness for tomorrow's big race or is that not something you're supposed to do, I have to admit total ignorance to such energetic feats as you are attempting so more power to you. ;) What time is the off and are your supporters all geared up and ready to go. Will you be racing round to different parks to cheer them on many times, Sherlock.
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