27 November 2014

One by one we're going to stand up with pride

Happy Thursday, everyone.

I can't say there are many officers today who are crying a tear for Andrew Mitchell. Hopefully the whole sorry drama can be put to bed now.

Very sad to hear about Phillip Hughes. What a tragic way for a young man's life to be cut short - playing the sport he loved. And the poor bowler, my heart goes out to him.

Been dealing with a few cases recently - one of them is a very disturbed young man, who clearly completely believes what he's telling us, but we think it's happening in his head. We're trying to get him some help, but it's very difficult! Also taking up a lot of time, because we have to act and investigate things.

Then there's the regular criminals - the regular running around, trying to protect witnesses and things.

I nearly lost it on the phone to the CPS the other day. Words were had. Sal says she knows when I'm ranting because I pick up the whole phone and walk around the office, and have to untangle everything afterwards. Anyway, eventually, I got my way. But that took up a huge amount of my time I could have done with spending on other things.

Got tomorrow off, to spend with John.

Mycroft has invited us all to his school carol concert, which I'm sure will be amazing - a proper choir and everything. Churches generally aren't my thing, but I feel certain this will get us all in the Christmas spirit. And it's nice to get the chance to sing a few good carols. And it's only a couple of weeks until he's back home with us for the holidays.

And, because some youngster has covered it, here's a previous cover of a song I like:

Oh, by the way, feel free to start placing bets as to what Maf will attack and destroy out of the many Christmas decorations Sherlock will insist we put up.

To be honest, I'm only betting on what will survive - far shorter list.

John mentioned walking Hadrian's Wall earlier today. It sounds like a great thing to do - I'd love to spend time with John and the boys doing something like that. Sounds like heaven, frankly.


John H. D. Watson said...

what Maf will attack and destroy

I'm afraid the answer may be everything.

Sorry you're having a hard time at work, love. And glad you're home tomorrow.

Greg Lestrade said...

ah, it's only not having enough hours in the day, that's all.

And yes, I fear Maf will love to kill tinsel and bauables. We'll have to make sure she doesn't eat any.

Piplover said...

I found that spraying Bitter Yuck on my Christmas tree and the ornaments stopped the cats trying to destroy and eat it. After a few tastes of it, they pretty much decided it was too horrid to keep putting in their mouths. Maybe a pet store has something like that you could try?

Unknown said...

what a great song! apropos for thanksgiving too.

Small Hobbit said...

And she'll climb the tree and peer at you sweetly through the branches. And John will tell her she's sweet ;)

Greg Lestrade said...

She has John wrapped around her little paw, it's true. I'm just tolerated to feed her breakfast.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... my cat kept trying to climb the tree and thus knocking it over. So we gave up on the Christmas tree and instead put out the "Christmas Village". It was lovely ... little houses, and churches and two libraries all lit up with little people and trees, until the cat decided that he needed to redecorate. He then proceeded to steal all the accessories and hide them all over the house - I was still finding the things in June! So now, we put out what we call the "Zombie Apocalypse Village" because the people are nowhere to be seen (all hiding in fear the giant black cat stalking the village)

Good luck with decorations, gentlemen!


Kestrel337 said...

Eye hooks and mono-filament. That's what kept our tree up when I was a teen and had a crazy young kitty. Veterinarians seem to spend a lot of time between October and January warning people about the dangers of holiday decorations.

Best 'pets in decorations' I experienced was when our budgies went walkabout and ended up in the creche. Wonder if I still have the pics from that.

Greg Lestrade said...

we'll see what she's like. I mean, eating the tree would require taking a break from her full-time day job of sleeping in warm spots.

REReader said...

As a cat- (and dog-) less person, I have no idea what, if any, decorations Maf might go for, in any meaning of the phrase.

As a Christmas-less person, I'm not sure I'm entitled to say that Christmas NEEDS lots of glittery decorations. (But I think it anyway! :D)

Have a good weekend, all...

Unknown said...

I remember having to give up my favorite kind of tinsel, the long thin strands of silvery (mylar, I suppose) because the cat used to eat it... giving up glass baubles for thread-wrapped ones was not a big hardship. Other than that I think we just bolted the stand to a larger sheet of plywood for extra stability. But then again we only had about a 5-6 foot tree. Haven't had one in the house for years, no room for it any more since I rent out the big front room to a student, and I lack the motivation... not entirely my cosmology any more. Sometimes I get one of those arrangements of greens for the table, and a swag or wreath for the door, nothing the cat can harm herself with. It is nice to have a bit of greenery when it's so bleak outside.

Anonymous said...

Friends hang their (real) tree upside down from the ceiling (he rigged up a watering system to keep it watered). It started as a joking challenge to keep the cat and dogs out of the decorations, it became a personal challenge, now I think it's just a cool conversation piece.

Walking Hadrian's Wall sounds like fun and a great family thing. It's now come up enough times that I'm sure John will eventually do some version of a death march over the frozen steppes marathon, though he seems drawn to warmer climes.

The guy in the article seems truly obsessed, in my eyes he's given up too much to follow the obsession, but the world would be dull if we were all the same.

happy weekend all.


pandabob said...

How went/goes Saturday guys have you been up to much interesting stuff?

Walking hadrians wall would probably be quite interesting if a little bit chilly ;-)

Greg Lestrade said...

AN absolutely beautiful day today.

We went and dug some potatoes out of the allotment, and carried on putting it to bed a bit for the winter.

fA - I think what you give up in life and what you choose to do can never be anything but an individual choice. Or, at least, it's very sad if it isn't.

pandabob said...

That sounds like a pretty awesome wayvto spend a Saturday Greg, does Sunday have such fun plans or are one or both of you working today?

I hope you're making good use of your time planning for Christmas Sherlock :-)

Greg Lestrade said...

John is working today. Although thankfully didn't get any call outs too early, so we got breakfast together.

Sherlock and I have embarked on attempting to weave our own festive wreath for the door out of twigs... it's going about as well as you might expect for two people who have no idea what they're doing.

It's less a festive undertaking, and more some sort of masochistic trial where you whip yourself in the face and arms with bits of spiky twig.

pandabob said...

That sounds like an interesting sort of fun, good luck with it.

I hope work is only as busy as you want it to be John.

REReader said...

So did the wreaths end up looking festive regardless?

Sherlock, are you putting together a Christmas show in school?

Greg Lestrade said...

I'd say the wreath was less a festive gesture, and more a diabolical booby trap, awaiting an unwary soul who uses the door knocker too forcefully.

But we both survived with all our eyeballs still in our heads, which looked a bit touch-and-go for a while there, so it's probably a success.

REReader said...

Having a full complement of working eyeballs definitely goes in the plus column! Is it sparkly as well as twiggy?

Anon Without A Name said...

So, does John's 'tache die tomorrow, or is it a more permanent addition to the family?

Greg Lestrade said...

I'm very much hoping it meets it's demise tonight! If it doesn't there may be a case of moustachicide when John's asleep...

He's already brought one troublesome little heap of fluff into the house, we don't need another.

Anon Without A Name said...

one troublesome little heap of fluff

Oh, that's no way to talk about yourself, Lestrade, I'm sure you're very little trouble at all, all things considered...

*ducks and runs*

Greg Lestrade said...

ha, on the contrary, I think I'm probably far more trouble than I'm worth.

Joolz said...

So do you now have a fuzz free husband, Greg, and did he surrender peacefully or were you forced into committing crimes against bad taste.

Will the guitar be coming out for a carol concert this year or is it going to be a nativity play instead, do you know yet.

Have a great day everyone. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

I think Sherlock's lot are all doing little bits in their class groups. I've no idea if they need a guitar...I'm sure I'll be told :)

John's moustache now resides in ah box. Like a dead mouse awaiting burial...

REReader said...

I think Sherlock's lot are all doing little bits in their class groups. I've no idea if they need a guitar...I'm sure I'll be told :)

How about costumes? And/or cakes?

(I just realized it's only two weeks until Chanukah!)

Greg Lestrade said...

I have no doubt he will require cake.

Anonymous said...

Yay for the return of the clean shaven!

Wishing a good day for all.


Joolz said...

Have you decided what experiments you are going to be performing on the deceased moustache yet, Sherlock. ;)

pandabob said...

every event ever should involve cake :-D

Christmas plays and concerts are one of my favourite things about Christmas but there seem to be hundreds of different ones this year now two out of three kids are at school!

I hope the evening is bringing relaxation of some kind for you all :-)

Greg Lestrade said...

Home late, haven't stopped yawning, and I've no idea what Sherlock has been doing to the 'tache but it smells bad.

ro said...

Hope you got a good sleep!

I see the glass floor walkway in Tower Bridge has opened - will you guys be checking it out?

pandabob said...

I hope you slept well and recovered from the late night at work :-)

Did the tache rise up and take over the flat overnight? I like to imagine Sherlock would know how to make that happen if anyone did ;-)

Good luck with the rest of the day everyone.

John H. D. Watson said...

Zombie moustache... That does sound like something Sherlock would create, doesn't it?

pandabob said...

It does John or that he'd find some way to make it grow REALLY quickly and you'd wake up to a flat full of moustache and have to hack your way out ;-)

Greg Lestrade said...

That is a terrifying thought

REReader said...

OTOH, there's quite a market for products that can make hair grow!

Greg Lestrade said...

another late one... still yawning ... but the moustache doesn't seem to have taken over the house.

Sort of surprised it's also not stuck onto Sherlock's face.

Joolz said...

Maybe he's waiting to do that 'til the weekend so he'll actually get some wear out of it without school getting in the way. ;)

Sorry you're so busy and tired at the mo, Greg, hope you get to catch up on both soon before the manic festive fun begins.:)

Enjoy the rest of your evening/day everyone. :)

REReader said...

Does anyone have an interest in an instant clarinet? Linsey Pollak turns a carrot into a clarinet.

Greg Lestrade said...

So tired, but home on time tonight after a day of desk-based investigation.

Anonymous said...

Hope you've had a restorative evening. Seems like keeping up with Sherlock's daily enthusiasms would be invigorating, right up to the point of exhaustion. ;-)

I'm dragging out the holiday stuff this evening in hopes of igniting a spark. I love the run up to Christmas, but so far in my circles there's been too much of the trouble and worry which come to us all to really enjoy it. Time to refocus. I do adore Christmas lights.


REReader said...

fA--There isn't much doing in the way of Chanukah decorations, but as I just Monday told a friend as we drove down 8th Avenue, I do love fairy lights! :)

I hope a less-late evening helps with that tiredness, L--you've had a lot of working extra lately.

pandabob said...

I hope the evening has been relaxing enough to help you recover from your day Greg :-)

Greg Lestrade said...

It's been pretty good, thanks! Sherlock has been informing us of the gigantic tree we're going to buy.

REReader said...

And has he worked out where the hole in the ceiling needed to accommodate the gigantic tree will go? ;)

Greg Lestrade said...

he's had that worked out for years, RR. It's only us and building regs standing in his way, really.

Sherlock has also been stating a case to have an advent calendar that starts on the 25th of November, if not year-round.

REReader said...

Handy, those regs. :)

What arguments has he to offer re: the Advent calendar extension other than more is better?

Anonymous said...

I suppose it would ruin the spirit of the thing to seed the additional days in the Advent calendar with 'chore of the day ' or some such? Just so traditional Advent days treats are that much sweeter?

Sad to read Ian McLagan died today. He's lived near here for a while and has been a really generous presence in the music community.


Rider said...

I think I have found the perfect suit for Lestrade. Outshine John's jumpers!. (It may well cause Mycroft to not only leave home but the country though)


REReader said...

Thank you, Rider, those have totally cheered me up, awesome!

Greg Lestrade said...

they are..vile.

Don't worry, my taste in suits runs right from 'dull' to 'boring'.

I'm sure John is polishing up his Christmas jumpers ready for the 12th though.

Greg Lestrade said...

Maf has fallen asleep on me and is either purring or snoring. Hard to tell which.

REReader said...

So long as it is a pleasant sound... :)

pandabob said...

that's your cue for sleep I'd say Greg ;-)

Those suits are shocking!!

Anonymous said...

Those suits are . . . pretty awful. And at $109.00, they probably fit terribly and don't feel good to wear. At least a good, gaudy Christmas sweater is usually comfy.


Anonymous said...

(Maf is purring. One never accuses a lady of snoring.)


Greg Lestrade said...

she's no lady.

But her snoring is more relaxing than John's.

Anonymous said...

Maf's total conquest of all she surveys is well under way, I perceive.


Unknown said...

heh, the suits are... oddly fascinating, but the comments underneath are hilarious. Having done a bit of tailoring, I also appreciated the careful matching of the stripe between the body and sleeves of the blue one. Probably not something I'd wear, although I have been known to drop in at the grocery store on the way home from dancing out, still in full garland dancing kit complete with bells and ribbons, so who am I to judge? :D

Greg Lestrade said...

I'm done! I have tomorrow off! Sherlock has texted me to tell me he needs to make 240 gingerbread men.... John has texted me a picture of Maf asleep with a halo made of tinsel...

REReader said...

Clearly the holiday season is well under way...Happy Christmas!

REReader said...

...Okay, I do have to ask: why 240, specifically?

Sherlock said...

Because that's how many I want to sell.

Anonymous said...

I do wish to hear tomorrow the details of where and to whom Sherlock hopes to sell 240 gingerbread men. Charity? Fund raising for buying Christmas gifts? Who buys supplies? And does Lestrade get a wage or is his labor contributed? Inquiring minds (nosey Internet people, that is) want to know?


Greg Lestrade said...

oh, I'm fairly sure I'm an unwaged participant.

Greg Lestrade said...

a completely gorgeous day. We are doing test- bakes of gingerbread persons, to decide upon a recipe.

Anonymous said...

I love testing recipes against each other. I get a sense of accomplishment at deciding on the "best" one out of all proportion to the actual achievement.

Is this a formal test with criteria which will be scored, or a more qualitative evaluation?


Kholly said...

We cut our Christmas trees today and for the after party my sister in law had a big plate of ginger snap cookies. (Little circles of the same stuff that ginger bread men get made from.) fights broke out over them they were so good.

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