There was an article on the Beeb this week. It made me think.
There's this woman I know, Daisy. She's about sixty now. She likes her fashion, always dresses nicely, does her hair with clips. She's from the North, originally, around Liverpool, but she's lived in London since she was in her mid-twenties. When she was five or six she broke her leg, but got it all sorted. She's got kids, but I've never met them.
And there's Roger. He was in the Navy for years, before he came to London. He's nearly 80. He got tattoos, when he travelled the globe with the Navy. He was born in India, spent some of his childhood there, before moving to the UK. Then he was in the WestCountry - Bristol area - until he joined the Navy. Maybe that's why he joined, seeing the people working in the docks there. I don't know anything about his family.
Neither of them have ever met me. I don't know what either of them looked like. They're two of 'my' unidentified corpses.
Daisy had a hairclip with a daisy on it in her hair when we found her. Roger has a jolly roger tattoo. I don't know their real names, and I don't know where their families are. I don't know if someone is missing them, wondering about them.
I do know we'll never stop looking for their killers.
On a happier note, I've done my 2 day refresher, which was horrible as ever, but still, all done now, signed off for another year. It's so stressful doing it all when it's not real but in a way I think it would be easier when something was actually going on, because there are more people and more things going on.
And on a much much happier note, Mycroft has indeed been successful in his university application, but I've been forbidden on saying anything more. And he's also gone for this perfect summer job, which I really hope he'll get - his housemaster has written him a glowing recommendation.
And Sherlock has some VERY exciting news too - his school are taking part in a live talk to Major Tim on the space station! They have to think of some questions to ask him about Space, and then they get to talk to him on the radio.
I shall miss the team I've been working with on Child Protection - they're fantastic. You have to have the right sort of personality to work in that kind of environment. We had a lot of laughs, whilst doing a lot of very harrowing work. I'm glad I did it, but I'm also very glad to be back with the MITs.
And on a final note...humans think they're so great, don't they, with their thumbs and gadgets and jobs and motorbikes...yet Maf gets fed, watered, cuddled, stroked and still fits in a long sleep... I might cut my thumbs off...
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»Keep your thumbs, please. I'll be happy to feed and cuddle you regardless.
Please do listen to your husband! I'm sure you would miss your thumbs.
Congratulations to Mycroft & I'm mightily impressed with Sherlock's news. If he is particularly struck by any of the questions/answers, I hope he'll share.
Thank you, L, for thinking of your unidentified cases as people.
Mazel tov, Mycroft! I'm sure the university of your choice will be well pleased with their decision--and I hope they live up to your expectations!
The difference between dogs and cats... ;)
Sherlock, that is extremely exciting! And how challenging, to work with your classmates to come up with good questions. Please let us know how the conversation goes!
There was a television advertisement years ago, that pointed out one thing you need thumbs for: eating nachos. It seems a reasonable trade.
What a fun thing, getting to talk to the space station!
And congrats to Mycroft.
And that, RR, is why I will always be a dog person! (Though I have known some wonderful cats.) If I go to the work of taking care of a pet properly, I'm selfish enough to prefer that they act like I personally hung the moon when I come home.
I'll keep my thumbs if I get to be top of the list for getting a tail when they work out how to fix one on to humans.
And I thought you'd already have had plenty of experience in chasing your tail ;)
My tail, other tails...
I want a useful tail, like a lemur.
A tail that can hold a coffee cup at all times, leaving your hands free?
I hadn't thought of that, but yes, that would be amazing. Imagine it... I like to think my tail would be grey and black stripes. With a mug of coffee at the end in a non spill cup...
It wouldn't improve the line of your suits, though.
(Heh, fA--don't you appreciate your pet believing she hung the moon? ;) )
Glad you got your refresher out of the way & are back with your team - has Sally kept them shipshape in your absence?
Well done, Mycroft, that's great news.
What fast exciting news, Sherlock, I'm sure you'll think of some excellent questions.
You mean it isn't already like that, Greg? ;)
I'd get a good tailor to sort me out a tail- hatch in my suits, RR. It would be worth it.
Well, let's get those gene guys working on it, then!
John, I don't want to alarm you, but I have just found your husband singing along to One Direction. Sorry.
I wish I could say I'd never heard that before...
It's a catchy song.
I have no idea what One Direction is .
(They aren't bad, really.)
I come back to the bosom of my team and they pick on my singing and give me germs. My chest feels like it used to after going on stakeout and smoking 60 fags in a shift.
Sally, we have missed you.
Greg, I'm not sure you ever admitted it as a possibility, but I'll bet everyone around you is thrilled to be far less concerned than they were in those old days that you'll collapse at your desk when you're ill. But just in case: get your rest, take care of yourself.
I would have taken care to collapse silently and slide under my desk, undetected ;)
No doubt.
Sal brought me what she claimed was a latte...but it was green. She said it would be good for me.
Black coffee is good for me. A hot toddy would be good for me.
The grand master of my dojo favors green tea for illnesses. (And since he can kill us pretty much by looking at us, we all drink green tea.)
Hope you got a good night's sleep - that's indisputably good for you.
Maf very much objects to people coughing in the middle of the night.
And sorry, AnonyBob..(not really.)
Since Maf can sneak off during the day and sleep for hours, my sympathy for her is nil.
For anyone else who's confused as to why L is not apologising to AnonyBob - it's the football.
I've just watched the highlights Greg, looked pretty good on both sides :-). I can only say I hope you win it now :-)
How goes the evening? Less coughing?
Shocked to see we've lost someone else, January just seems to have been non-stop, now it's Sir Terry Wogan. He was one of my mum's favourites and we always had him on when we were having our breakfast. Let's hope February is a bit more cheery.
How are you feeling this morning, Greg, has your Doc been keeping you well dosed with those hot toddies you were hoping for?
He alternates between showering me with love, hot toddies and various other 'cures' and casting me worried looks.
All I can say is - don't take up smoking, kids. It really is a terrible idea. And to think just the other week I was really craving a cigarette, too!
Sir Terry was one of those people who was always going to be there - a real shock.
It sure is. I used to laugh until my face hurt at his Janet and John stories in the morning. It has been a terrible month.
I hope your cough is easing up, L. (Don't want to keep annoying Maf, after all. ;) )
Sherlock, when is your school's space talk happening? Have you all decided on what to ask about?
I'm feeling a lot better i've also somehow pulled a muscle in my chest...and one in my head... I didn't even know i had a muscular head.
I'm sure i'll feel better once i've coughed this lung up ;)
Yikes! If that's better, how did you even walk and talk through the worse?!
Just don't tell John. He wields his stethoscope like a weapon. It's as if I put cold things on him all the time and he's getting revenge...
:D ...He won't hear about it from meeee...
Poor John. All he's doing is taking good care of you and see how you talk about him! Hope you get better rest tonight.
He's amazing. I don't know where I'd be without him.
But he does also have a special refrigerated compartment in his bag for that stethoscope.
Every job is entitled to a few perks...
I want to make butter.
Sounds like fun, Sherlock, although I seem to remember having to do a lot of shaking when we did it when I was at school (mind you, that was forever ago). Any particular reason why?
I think Sherlock only ever has one reason 'why'...because he can.
My husband has implied it's my job to 'help' make butter. And accompanied this with a suggestion that I would be 'good at it' whilst making shaking motions which some could perceive to be slightly obscene.
Sounds like a nice, calming, non-explosive activity. I thoroughly approve.
You can help shake it then.
But L, you have so much more experience with cows...
Does it have to be shaken, or can you do it in a stand mixer? Either way, I think I'd be tempted to stop before it got to 'butter', and have dessert.
I don't know whether I'd stand for those kind of solitary aspersions being thrown around, Greg - when he's showing his own butter shaking skills by his very demonstration. ;)
Hope you're coughing a little less today or at least that the retaliatory stethoscope usage is warmed slightly. ;)
Have a great day everyone.
Sherlock, Mycroft, I'm not normally one to be against anyone's way of life.
But seriously, same sex couples just aren't right for bringing up children. You kids must have to put up with twice the amount of dad dancing and dad jokes, and that's not fair on you.
This thought was brought to you by the Boss dancing to Haddaway at my desk while I was looking for a file for him.
Seriously, you ever need a safe house, you can come to me.
(*Small correction: Nanny-and-DI dancing and jokes. ;) )
RR, being on the wrong side of the Pond you are probably unaware of the phenomenon of Dad Dancing, of which the definition is "awkward or unfashionable dancing to pop music, as characteristically performed by middle-aged or older men. for optimum embarrassment of offspring, dad dancing is best performed to REM's Shiny Happy People"
Accurate, SH. :)
Sal, no house which contains Sherlock is ever 'safe'.
If Mycroft has survived with his affection for his dads/guardians intact, I doubt there's any way they're going to traumatize Sherlock.
(& I can only call to mind one Haddaway song, but don't know what else one could do but bop a bit when ambushed by it - & by using the word "bop" we all know I'm indicting myself as more uncool than Lestrade could ever be.)
P.s. But I thank you from the bottom of my heart, D.S. Sally Donovan, for that mental image.
SH - if Happy shiny people is ever played, I'll get my dad dancing skills or again for Sal, and she can judge if it's worse than haddaway. (my phone insists I mean gaddafi...)
I hope the radio brings as many opportunities for dad dancing as possible today Greg :-D
Do you have anything planned for half term? It seems to be speeding towards us even though we've only just gone back to school!!
No dancing today
I coughed so hard I hurt my neck. Sal is laughing at me. Im glaring at her.
An eventful day, then. :)
I'm glad you have a doctor at home to keep an eye on you. That cough sounds vicious.
In Very Sad News, my earbuds have died (this happens if you run the cord over with your chair's wheels enough times) and I'm having to endure this afternoon without musical accompaniment. It's ruining the workplace experience for me, no lie.
Ouch, fA, no music is horrid! (Mine earbuds died last week. Maybe it's catching!)
How are you feeling today, Greg?
We got 5 inches of snow this morning, don't tell Sherlock. The mess it made of the morning was not fun.
I'm feeling loads better, just stuck with this annoying cough. Fine until I almost launch a lung across the office ;) John's frown is getting more severe. But I've only got myself to blame.
Sherlock is very jealous of your snow!
AnonyBob - half term is far too scary to think about!!
I feel sure John has the anti-cough measures covered, so I'll refrain from offering unneeded advice. ;)
We had a coating of snow yesterday, too, but nothing like 5 inches--it was mostly gone an hour after it stopped coming down and was just icy patches this morning.
there aren't really any anti-cough measures though, are there? As annoying as it is, coughing is slowly cleaning my lungs up ready for use again. Shame you can't just whip 'em out and scrub them down, but until they invent that...
There are plenty of anti-cough measures, and everyone swears by their own, as I discover every time I mention having a cough on the interwebs. The only thing is that they don't usually work very well, aside from giving you something to do. ;)
Hope your cough subsides soon, and that it's not keeping you awake too much.
A great little film made in Polari.
It takes me back! Even though it wasn't used in the same way by the time I was part of the scene, people - especially the older ones - still used a lot of the words. Still do now, a bit. Hence it being one of my tags.
Congrats to both Sherlock and Mycroft! Talking to the space station sounds awesome, looking forward to a report on that. :)
my favorite cough remedy is ginger/lemon/honey tea, which I am about to go make for myself. :(
When I visited London in October I came down with bronchitis. My immune system is suppressed, so it wasn't really a surprise, though not fun. My sister had some 151 available, so I took a shot of that and it helped clear me up! For a bit at least. Steam is actually the thing that helps me the most. A nice long, hot shower is the best for when you have a cough. Hope you feel better soon!
Steam, yep! I hover over a humidifier when I have a cough, and drink lots of tea-with-honey. (Most of my friends recommend a shot of something or other in the tea, but that just makes me sick, so I stick with honey. But of course alcohol does kill germs! ;D)
And we have snow coming down now--it's supposed to snow on and off for most of the week, but we'll see how that goes.
The weather forecast this morning: OMG IT'S GOING TO SNOW AND SNOW!
Translation: There was some snow falling this morning, but there is not so much as one flake on the ground or even on the cars left at this point, and it doesn't look like that's going to change.
Nothing to be jealous of here!
Everyone else having as inexplicably busy a week as I'm having? I completely forgot yesterday was Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday/Pancake Day/insert your nomenclature here, till I spotted the surprise King Cake at work.
I'm sure plenty of pancakes were had by Sherlock, hope everyone else who had treats enjoyed 'em.
Seriously, fA, where did all the crazy busy come from?!? :)
RR-I have friends I could ask - they'd give me the astrological explanation! But I generally don't go there. ;-)
Heh, I didn't even think of that, it's not on my radar at all...but you know, yesterday and today (Tues. and Wed.) were Rosh Chodesh, which is marked by a new moon, so maybe... ;)
We had lots of lovely pancakes & the eldest is home for half term on Friday so we're going to do it all again next week for her - delish ;)
Have you got Mycroft back this next week too, it'll be great for you all to be together again if so. :)
Hope your cough is a bit better, Greg, and everyone has a great day. :)
If Mycroft hasn't yet explained to you the news about how gravitational waves have been detected, there's a very good video at The New York Times. It's truly awesome to listen to a sound that records the gravitational ripples created by two colliding black holes a billion years ago! (Not that I'm excited or anything. :) )
I'm a moron, apparently. I heard the recording on the radio with the NPR announcer narrating but I didn't hear/recognize the sound he described. But it's pretty cool to have such a foundational theory demonstrated!
In other news, saw Los Lobos with Ballet Folklorico de Mexico (or something close to that) tonight. The program was about 50-50 dance and music, plus Los Lobos played for about 20% of the dance numbers.
It was fabulous. There's nothing like good musicians who've been playing together forever - roughly 40 years, and they still seem to enjoy themselves on stage. And SO MANY INSTRUMENTS, guitar, bass guitar, guitarron, mandolin, banjo, accordion, saxophone in three ranges, a bunch of percussion instruments, fiddle, trumpet - and I'm leaving out several. Most of the string instruments appeared in both an electric & acoustic-with-pickup versions. It was a tour de force, but such a relaxed one - after playing together for so long I guess that makes sense but it was amazing to see and hear.
An unusually good day, here, then.
Yes, very busy, yes, Mycroft's back tonight and Sherlock has eaten more pancakes than can possibly fit into him.
We're off on holiday tomorrow with my parents,making the most of the half term holiday, and the kids have demanded pancakes and ice cream for tea because granny makes them far better than me and she lets them have ALL the sauces ;-)
I hope you enjoy being back home got a bit Mycroft and that you enjoy your time off school Sherlock :-)
Good luck John ;-)
Sherlock: The human Tardis. ;)
Happy Valentine's Day, all! I look forward to hearing about how everyone is celebrating. ;)
(And anyone in the northeast US, stay warm. It's -1F right now here-- that's -18C. Brrrrrr!)
Saint Valentine was also the patron Saint of the bubonic plague and bee keeping, as well as happy marriages and 'affianced' people.... so you can guess that the youngest member of our family is celebrating for different reasons than some of the rest of us....
...I hope it's victims of the plague rather than the plague itself... ;)
But I like the idea of celebrating beekeeping. We need bees!
I often wonder how saints get assigned patronage. "The bee-keepers need a saint; who's up next?"
*throws dart*
"Saint Valentine, you get the bee keepers. Try to keep them separate from the plague please. And no double blessing affianced bee keepers."
I'm not sure anyone knows. I mean, St Val has about six skulls, scattered around the world, so maybe each of his heads got a different thing to be saintly about?
Here's a little traditional Valentine's poem...
Arsenal play in red,
Leicester in Blue,
Danny Welbeck,
I love you.
(sorry, did you expect it to be about Danger??)
He's a good lad that Danny ;-)
I never knew st Valentine had to do with bee keeping! It's nice to learn new things :-)
Our kitchen smells amazing. Just cooking up a caramelised lemon sauce.
I hope everyone enjoyed celebrating whatever they were celebrating!
If ym journey to work this morning was an indication of anythinig it's that the cold made drivers' brains malfunction. Bunch of morons.
But now it's lovely and I'm jealous of John and thand boys. Although John will be the jealous one on thursday.
Does that mean you're off Thursday while the doc works his other job? I wonder what trouble you and the boys could get into ;-)
It does indeed!
As for trouble...well, terrifyingly the S word has been mentioned in weather reports.... so either we'll get some, and my life will be chaos, or we won't, and my life will be grumpy chaos...
I hope you get a suitable amount. (Which is enough to have fun with, but not so much that it makes problems for getting around.)
I think it'll be rain, and more rain. We might go to a museum.
Rainy days and museums go very well together.
London is not a bad place for museums, not bad at all!
And then some hours of research so that Sherlock will know more about what he's seen than any paltry museum exhibit could convey!
Well it's certainly rain up here disappointingly, we could do with a nice bit of the white stuff.
Hope work is ok, John, as in busy enough to go quickly but not too gruesome or chaotic.
Hope a fun day is had by the rest of you, however you decide to spend it. :)
It's beautifully sunny here, although it looks cold. Not yet ventured outside!
It is actually nice here! Although right now we're having far too much fun laughing at a news report about Hairy Panic.
Well you picked a good day to be off. Everyone here is in a hairy panic about the new JE ruling. I'll be building you a wall of files to look through tomorrow.
Enjoy the sunshine while you can.
Hey, Sally! (What's JE and what was the ruling?)
Joint Enterprise - complicated legal definitions have been misapplied.
Yeah, what SH said. We will have cases to review because those convicted will ask for an appeal and we'll have to see what our response would be if their convictions are set aside.
But, in happier news, we had a great day today at the RI, learning how we could survive in space or other inhospitable environments.
Sounds like a fun trip! Sherlock, did you pick up any ideas for your q&a with the space station or did that happen already?
At least you had a good day out before hitting that wall of files, L.
Made progress on the fortress of files, L?
The life of a public servant!
A bit. It's all second guessing at the moment.
It's hard not to find it very very frustrating, but it's just a technical thing, it's nothing to do with our original investigations, but it still feels personal, and I know a lot of relatives will worry that people who have been convicted might somehow now go free.
Heard a bit of a radio interview recently with someone whose job includes making the phone calls to relatives of victims/or victims themselves of murders or serious violent crimes pre-1981 in the state of Maryland - because of some irregularities in jury instruction, a number are being paroled. It didn't sound like a fun task.
They have discovered that paroling life-sentence inmates who are 60+ (with reportedly good social services support) gives you a recidivism rate of zero (over two+ years, number of parolees wasn't mentioned.) Which isn't much comfort to the families, apparently.
I wonder what it would be like if every parolee got good social services support . . .
Yeah, well, happily no one will be automatically set free or anything, but there will be retrials and the potential for those to lead to the release of certain people.
It's very uncertain, which isn't ideal.
I'm going to climb a mountain and earn money for poor children to help them
Getting sponsored, Sherlock? Which mountain?
I fear you assume a far greater level of planning than actually exists, Lancs.
I also fear this is how I will meet my maker... Being volunteered for something by an enthusiastic boy...
It is, however, the best reason I've heard to date for climbing a mountain!
Every thing has to start as an idea I guess! Having googled, you really are a long way away from the nearest mountain, which seems really odd coming from up here! The top floors of some schools round here count as a 'high level walk' and really should require a mountain leaders certificate!
Also, it's nice to have someone enthusiastic about the place!
Yes...we have however bargained down from Everest to somewhere more like...Snowdon...
Managing goals, very important.
Snowdon is great, plus tiny railway! Some of you could walk it and some of you could get the train
I fear I saw Sherlock looking up campsites, too...
Well done to keep the expedition in the U.K! It sounds like this could be fun, if it's not too ambitious!
Is this more of a family trip, or a Sherlock climbing/hiking trek, attended by happy dogs and the loyal sherpas who carry supplies?
Either way, I hope your campsites provide access to warm showers and cold beer. At least mostly.
I think it's mainly a trip which requires him to do a lot more planning.
He saw people doing sponsored things on TV and has so far only got the germ of an idea. But we will happily support him and take him places if he can decide what he wants to do and how he will extort money from adults to give to those not as lucky as we are ;) .
Sounds like something that he might want to get his school in on. It's a very good germ!
What interesting & unlooked for things our families bring us to!
RR - kids do a lot of sponsored things here, I think this one's probably best for us to do as a family and his teachers to sponsor him...otherwise we'll be dragging 30 ten year olds up a mountain...
fA - this morning my breakfast was had over CT scans of bumblebee brains. Your comment applied perfectly.
That does seem to be a lot of kids to shepherd up a mountain... (I'm not sure you have the dragging in the right direction, though. ;) )
Who knew anyone had CT-scanned bumblebee brains? Not me!
& yeah, I feel like there should be at least a one-adult-for-every-four-ten-year-olds ratio on a mountain hike. Unless it's a very gradual, safe, mountain on which it is impossible to do worse than roll down gently.
Plus one adult will need to restrain the other from pushing the particularly obnoxious child (there's always one) over the edge.
and I think you made a typo...four adults to every one ten year old is the ideal to sit on them, the other three to go to the pub ;)
SH - you mean one to provide the alibi when the obnoxious child goes missing???
SH, thanks for the laugh!
Those CT scans are completely amazing. I didn't even know they could scan anything that small so accurately!
You volunteering to skip the pub to be the sitter-upon, L.? Or do the adults draw straws?
Those scans are amazing. Of course, now I want to know: Do they have to kill the bees to scan their brains? If they do, how many are they going to have to sacrifice to get enough data for it to be significant? If not, how do you paralyze & position a bee without harming it so they can do the scan? Do they scan the same bee over time? How do they decide which bees?
But I don't care enough to spend the time to do the research to find out. (That's why grownups are so dull. I abandon my shallow curiosity so quickly in favor of work and friends and housekeeping!)
I've no idea if bees gave their lives for the scans, fA.
And I'm hoping no sitting-on will be required! If it's just us, and we camp out and climb a quick mountain we can take beer for the evening. Although climbing aforementioned mountain will probably mean we're asleep before the boys are...
Hi to all you who read this,
the Boss has had a bit of an accident, and he thought you lot would probably want to know. He says he's fine, and John and Sherlock are on their way down here to the A&E just as soon as John's fetched Sherlock from school, and he figured before you got any cryptic messages from either of them (and because he's bored and has run out of things to order people around to do) he'd let you know. Or make me let you know. Because I'm not letting him have his phone in case he starts trying to call the office or something.
I'm sure once John's up to speed with everything you'll get a bit more of the story.
And now he's checking I've told you all he's fine.
Thank you Sally, both for letting us know and for looking out for him!
(I hope you heal up fast, L.) (*still a bit worried...*)
he's swearing a lot, if that reassures you.
Heh. (Thanks!)
I always his swearing reassuring.
I thinkt all the doctors here do too John. Obviously part of medical training.
That doesn't sound great but thanks for letting us know he's ok Sally.
Hope you're feeling better soon Greg :-)
I'm just waiting for a scan. I am fine, no danger (except the one i married, who is here and frowning), patched up for now. John is trying to keep Sherlock from setting off every monitor attached to me.
With unfortunately little success... May need to apologise to the entire hospital staff later.
he does love making adults run about for him
Lestrade's leg is really cut open and you can see the skin and fat and muscle and I took a photo so he could see it too and so I can show Mycroft. And I didn't mean to make the doctors come I just wanted to know how the alarms went off.
I have a niece who was always interested how cuts and things look on the inside, too, Sherlock--she's now in medical school. :)
And now you know.
That does not sound like a small injury, to be honest...
They're muttering about taking me to surgery. Cleaning and stitching bits back together and whatnot.
I've got a horrible feeling I'll spend the night with a drip and a bedpan instead of my favourite doctor...
Possibly, but I would quite like to have all your bits cleaned and stitched together.
Argh. I hope you heal fast, Lestrade, and let the Doc - and all the docs - take proper care of you.
i quite like some of my bits as they are... but yeah.
And later you can tell me what they did. Because it's all greek to me. or Latin. All fibris this or flexor that.
it was an ACTUAL trap with spikes and knives and everything and he fell in and it's not very nice and John says the people who did it should be hung drawn and quartered and Lestrade said John wasn't allowed to actually do that but it would be good if we could
it is quite boring here because we're just waiting now and Lestrade's gone to have a scan of inside him and I wasn't allowed to go and watch.
... I agree with John there.
(I'm sorry, but I have to...Hanged. Pictures are hung, people are hanged. I have a lifetime of listening to my aunt make that correction, it's automatic at this point!)
If the perpetrator was suspended by a hook to await justice I think he would be hung. I imagine this was what John had in mind.
We have to leave Lestrade here. we're getting fish and chips on the way home though
It does seem like a night for comfort food.
they're waiting to see me into my lovely new home for the night. if I stay awake that long.
Sorry to hear about your injury, Greg, hope it's not going to keep you out of action for too long. It doesn't sound like broken bones on top of everything else so I suppose that's one good thing at least.
An actual trap - what kind of sick idiot would do that! I hope you get them locked up pretty quick, even if John doesn't get to enact his well deserved revenge.
Hope you feel better soon, and maybe when you're fully fit Sherlock could even practise his excellent stitch removal skills on some of the smaller wounds after he's recorded your healing process for science, of course.
sadly booby traps becoming more common, but no, nothing broken! and lots of painkillers. and might get to surgery tonight, specialist gets to decide.
I hope they are effective painkillers!
had lecture from surgeon that tendons are harder to heal than bones so... way to deflate a bloke.
Still, got a spot on a ward and a date with a surgeon first thing tomorrow morning. til then it's an exciting cocktail via drip and some sleep.
Booby traps! Bloody hell. Well, I know hospitals aren't the most restful places to be, but I hope you manage to get some decent sleep tonight, and that the surgery goes well tomorrow.
Sherlock - I hope fish and chips were good, and that you get Lestrade back very soon - and that if he's not back tomorrow, you have fun visiting him without setting off too many monitors :-)
John - how you doing?
I guess it's good to know the plan even if it's one you'd have preferred not to need Greg ;-)
Fish and chips sound fab Sherlock and you're a good lad checking that all the alarms worked before you left the hospital ;-)
Nameless - all right, I suppose. Better than L, at any rate. Surprisingly angry.
John, it seems to me that "angry" is an entirely appropriate reaction.
Greg, most sorry and angry to hear about this! Tendons indeed take longer to heal than bones (I've had surgery on both, so I got to compare!) so don't be too discouraged if it's a slow recovery. Take the painkillers, too.
John, angry is eminently appropriate. Hang in there.
Tendon injury (among other damage) to the leg? Because of a boobytrap? Oooohhhh angry is very appropriate.
Sherlock, it sounds like you showed a very scientific interest in the proceedings. I hope your photos are appreciated.
Keep up with your painkillers, L. I greatly fear the recovery process is going to drive you mad.
But it sounds like one leg, not both? So you won't be entirely immobile, eventually. LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR. And also the specialists from the hospital if they say anything useful. ;-)
My best to you, John, Sherlock & Mycroft, as well as the rest of the friends & family. You're a tough lot but sudden injury with malice against someone you care for is always hard.
Angry is understandable, and absolutely called for, although I understand the frustration of having so much of it and little direction for it.
Hope the surgery goes quickly and well, and L gets home soon. And that the people who caused this get what's coming to them.
I hope you're managing to get some sleep, L, and that the surgery in the morning goes well.
And I hope you're managing to get some sleep too, John. Hang in there.
If your inpatient surgeries are scheduled like ours, they've probably waked you up by now so they can poke at you a bit & then put you under for early surgery. Hope by the time I'm up on my Friday morning you're out of surgery and recovery and back in your bed.
Onwards John. May you & the boys have your D.I. home and complaining about the enforced inactivity in a day or two.
We haven't yet caught the ones who set the tap, but the raid went well in other ways so it wasn't for nothing.
I hope everyone got some sleep last night.
Good luck with school Sherlock, I hope you're doing something interesting :-)
I hope operation goes ok Greg and that the surgeon is happy I'd work.
Good luck with your day John :-)
Hope you did get some sleep Greg and best wishes for the op.
John, I wish for you lots of patience for the next few days/weeks.
I'm all rebuilt. In at 7am, stitched and stapled and now back in bed with my leg in the air. John's coming in soon
I'm glad everything's back where it should be Greg :-) that is a very early start though!!
it was early, but they only woke me up to put me back to sleep ;)
Apparently I can only be released into the care of a responsible adult...anyone know one?
Can Mycroft come get you? ;)
Glad to hear the stitching went well! I hope the healing goes even better.
Glad to hear you're doing all right. That sounds like a horrible experience, but at least you'll have a story to tell a few years from now?
I hope you're able to go home soon and get some rest.
John, I hope you and the boys are doing OK.
Lestrade's at home and John didn't even tell me and when I got home from school he was here and on the sofa and Mrs Hudson had made a cake with loads of chocolate and we don't have to go to the hospital for a visit at all like he said we would
Well, that's a nice surprise for you then! You can visit with chocolate cake, and without wasting time going to and from the hospital.
I've gone from being a DI to a glorified heated cat bed in a day. And glorified is really making it sound better than it is.
It's just Maf playing doctor: Check out #7 on the linked infographic. :) And also this article in Scientific American!
A change is as good as a holiday Greg ;-)
I'm glad you're home and enjoying cake.
to be honest, I'm enjoying Sherlock enjoying cake...anaesthetic never leaves me with much appetite. Although I'm sure that'll be back tomorrow! (by which time there will be no cake)
Did this mean Mrs Hudson was the responsible adult?
I shall be the one giving John an alibi if he ever does get to hang drawn and quarter whoever did this to Greg, my dear! In my day at least there was a bit of respect. If there was still a Kray about I'd send them to kneecap the little so-and-so responsible.
Sometimes, Mrs H, you scare me almost as much as the other Mrs H.
People sometimes forget that ladies of a certain age have gotten through a lot of stuff in order to get there!
I'm sure everyone is thrilled to have you home, L. Take it easy, do as the doctor 'suggests.'
Very glad that the medical stuff seems to have been straightforward.
Glad you on;y had the one night in hospital, Lestrade. You feeling better today, got your appetite back? And was there any chocolate cake left for you?
There was no cake. Bit I am told another is on the way ;)
Feeling better generally, although I won't pretend it's not a bit sore.
I have the gentlest of exercises to do... And even those feel like hard work!
I'm guessing that having made personal contact with a booby trap made of knives and spikes, "a bit sore" is probably as good as two days later is going to get :-/ Glad to hear you're feeling better though. How's the rest of the household doing?
And did you all enjoy the rugby today?
to be fair, it was only made of knives. One of which tried to lop my calf muscle off my leg. I've got painkillers, and enough antibiotics to lay waste to a continent, I think, plus a new tetanus expense spared. I think if I was a horse they'd've shot me and fed me to the dogs.
Rugby was a nice distraction. I'm getting a bit bored of the sofa. Maf appreciates my presence though.
I think cats enjoy it when we're ill/laid up, because we just end up being a heating cushion for them.
Oh. My. God.
John, I offer you my sincerest sympathies.
Greg, you haven't been home two days yet. If you're already bored . . . is there a new instrument you can learn with your leg elevated?
"to be fair, it was only made of knives."
...I don't think the word "only" really applies...
RR, I think that's that manly, British, stiff-upper-lip-never-complain thing. "Let us not be over-dramatic, 'twas only knives. Spikes, now - spikes might have been a bit unfortunate."
(I can't quite defend that "'twas," stylistically. But it just appeared there, what could I do?)
-fA could've been worse.
At least there's footie on now. And I got to help Sherlock do his homework. Well, couldn't escape it, anyway...
Not sure the footie will have made you feel much better ...
Trust you're continuing to be a suitable bed for Maf.
Sorry there wasn't anything to raise the spirits in that result, Greg. I hope Sherlock's homework was at least more invigorating.
How is the soft exercising going today, slow and steady steps I'm sure. Have the doctors or your Doc given you any kind of timescale for your tenure as glorified cat bed?
Hope the day has gone as well as possible for you all, hopefully with added cake to sweeten the deal. :)
(All the comments on John's blog are being "held for approval"...)
Are they
Where is it saying that? And Danger, what secrets are you spilling? Or are you trying to keep tomorrow secret???
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