23 February 2011

Not sure this is the place, but if you want to know about police work...

John, pulled in some suspects this morning, means I'll be stuck in interrogations all day. Would have called or texted you, but I got a text this morning telling me that if I loved you, I'd bring you a heart and some lungs tonight. So either your cooking is getting more experimental, or Sherlock's got your phone...

Will try and call when one of these gets a lawyer who demands a toilet break or something. Hope you retrieve your phone by then.

The glamour of police work, everyone! It's non stop fun, sitting in a smelly room with a kid barely out of school who's probably knifed someone for their phone, who either says 'no comment', stares at you blankly, or insults your parentage.


Yana said...

I'm curious as to why you tagged this with 'Murders'. Did the kid kill someone? D:

Also, Sherlock's adorable, isn't he? Isn't there some way you can pass a pig's heart off as a humans? I dissected one during O Level Biology, it's about the same size...

(lungs might be a problem, though. human lungs have a pretty distinctive shape by dint of us being bipeds and standing upright)

John H. D. Watson said...

Oh god. Thank you. Please do not bring me internal organs of any sort; I'll have it back in about twenty minutes. I suppose I should be grateful he didn't post anything to the blog while he was at it.

Sorry about your phone-stealing hoodlums. Remember they (probably) have mums too. (You'll probably want to smack me for that, but I think a lot about how Sherlock and Mycroft might've turned out left on their own.) Come for dinner? I could get Chinese.

Greg Lestrade said...

Yana - yeah, we're sure one of the two murdered the other guy, and the phone was stolen, but it probably started out as a postcode war. Total waste of everyone's lives. And proving which one of them it was is a hard task.

John - still here! Expect all purveyors of internal organs will be shut by now anyway. Eat without me if I don't call by a reasonable hour, still got lots to do. And yes, at least one of them does have a mother. She screamed at me a lot at half five this morning when we raided her house. These kids have no idea how many lives they ruin carrying a blade.

Oh,, and am reasonably sure whatever Sherlock and Mycroft got up to, we probably wouldn't have caught them...

X said...

Can't fault Sherlock for trying, I suppose, even if perhaps his attempts at subtlety and deception need some work.

Sorry you're having such a long day, and under such circumstances. Hope that it manages to take a turn for the better before it gets too late in the evening!

Lupe said...

Damn, I've always been surprised to know how young some criminals are. Some kids have already done the most atrocious things before they're even 18. It's very sad, really. :/ Well, I hope you get to do your job fast and that they cooperate.

John H. D. Watson said...

am reasonably sure whatever Sherlock and Mycroft got up to, we probably wouldn't have caught them...

You are making my already horrible imaginings worse.

(Seriously, do consider at least going in late tomorrow. I could write you a note...)

Greg Lestrade said...

X, Lupe and Yana - Can't say much about the case, but the two suspects held out all day. No comment, no comment and a lot of insults. Very hard to work like that. (Forensics show they were there, but proving intent, pre-meditation and which one actually committed the murder is all very difficult.) We got an extension (usually you have to charge or release after 24 hours, but you can get a 12 hr extension sometimes) and this morning one of them broke. So they've now been charged. Their families are devastated. And the boy who died can't be brought back, so it's scant consolation for his family. But they did thank us.

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