13 May 2011


It seems the blogs are broken. Well, getting better, as at least I can post this now!

Bear with us...them? We'll get Mycroft on the case.

As for me...I don't have enough of a brain left to update. Between work and home I feel like I'm done in.

All I can say for sure is that Danger has the patience of a saint. And deserves every hug you can send his way. The day that man walked (limped?) Into my life was a good one, and no mistake!


Kholly said...

Sounds like you could all use some hugs. Fortunately hugs are free, have as many as you'd like.

Lupe said...

Sending hugs to you guys. :) And show this to John, I hope it cheers him up a bit:


Amy said...

Please hug Danger on our behalf! I hope you all get a break soon.

Lupe said...

ARGH, sorry, wrong link. I meant this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/peggy/animals-with-stuffed-animals-of-themselves XD

Anon Without A Name said...

I sure he thinks the same about you. And mate, sounds like *everyone* needs hugs; have some from me too.

annoyedwabbit said...

Hugs to everyone, including Mycroft and Sherlock (I'm an older sister, I can deal with shin kicking. Also, I wear boots that cover my shins, so I'm set.)

John H. D. Watson said...

I think I was sitting on the ground when you found me actually.

John H. D. Watson said...

Thanks Lupe, I love the hedgehog on the giant hedgehog.

Greg Lestrade said...

I was halfway through trying to read the first link, working out why it would cheer you up, Danger...

Anonymous said...

**hugs** to all of you. I wish it sounded like things were going better.

Greg Lestrade said...

Humantales - they are getting better, don't worry. Sherlock seems to be getting tired of his campaign of disobedience. He's been much better the past day or so.

Thanks for the hugs, everyone. I have ensured every one of them is shared around. Which has been a pleasure.

Sherlock even got one, as he was well enough behaved to earn some internet-time, so sat on my lap and used my laptop to look up something about Elephants. (No, he isn't allowed one as a pet. No, not even a baby one when Mycroft has gone to school with the dogs. Yes, it will take up much more room than a dog. Yes, more room than two dogs. Yes, I know they're big dogs.)

I'm not actually sure how well an elephant would negotiate the stairs?

innie said...

(Lestrade, I hope you also told Danger, somewhere in the middle of all of those marathon hugs, that even your phone knows he's a fantastic bugger.)

John H. D. Watson said...

I should hope his phone doesn't know anything about it, even if it does have a vibrate setting! (I assume it was merely expressing his subconscious feelings on the matter.)

Greg Lestrade said...

Danger - it was the autocorrect. I tried to say you were a 'fantastic hugger', and the phone autocorrected it to 'fantastic bugger'. Luckily I noticed just before posting!

(And no, I'm sure I don't know why 'bugger' is higher in it's suggestions than 'hugger'. Really. Or how it even got added to the dictionary. At all.)

John H. D. Watson said...

Would it have something to do with what "sock" auto-corrects to?

Greg Lestrade said...

It also changes 'arse' to 'ardently'. I am quite ardent about your arse.

My phone offers me both 'fu...' and 'dick' instead of 'sock'. I swear I don't teach it these things.

Perhaps swear was the wrong word to use there.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear things are settling down; as a mother myself, I know how draining a kid in misbehavior mode can be.

I can't help wondering if Sherlock's improving behavior may not be linked to your eyes' improving (at least I hope they're improving.) He may know your job is dangerous, but the visible reminder might be unsettling.

Glad to hear things are settling down, and that Sherlock's being rewarded for his good behavior. (Although punishment is necessary, rewards seem to go farther with kids.)

And hoping that this time I get to post it.

Greg Lestrade said...

Humantales - my face is getting back to it's usual colours (varying shades of grey), slowly but surely. More sort of yellow/brown bruising now, rather than the dramatic blue/purple.

I hadn't thought about it being linked to Sherlock's behaviour. He did ask a lot of questions about it, but I thought he was just being his usual inquisitive self. Sadly I can't promise him I won't ever get hurt - especially knowing some of the jobs I've got coming up.

Sorry about the blog comments going AWOL. Don't know what happened there. They have finally replaced the 'missing' post, but all the comments have gone! Don't know if they'll ever return.

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