4 May 2011

May the fourth be with you!

I know, I know, terrible joke. One of the forensics team in court this morning is a total geek, and kept saying it. Added together with more'force' jokes, which we get all the time anyway.

Right, this is less a proper post and more a place to dump my brain.

Danger, had to go to HR this morning with my sicknote, and they asked if my file was up to date. Do you wante to add you as my emergency contact? Don't worry if you don't, I understand. Text or call me if you don't want to answer here.

Also, Mycroft expressed an interest in coming to vote with one of us on Thurs. I imagined you would probably get to the polls when they were at school - Sherlock not being the ideal child to queue up with, in a place where everyone's furtively trying to keep their votes hidden. If you want you can drop Mycroft off with me in the afternoon, about 6ish, and he can come with me (obviously I'm registered at my flat, so it'll be a little journey) and we'll come back to your together.(for those of you not from around here, we're voting on the way we vote http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_Alternative_Vote_referendum,_2011 )

I'm back on nights again in a week or so - 18th and 19th.

When's the open day for Mycroft? i want to make sure I book it off.

Right thats all I can remember right now...


John H. D. Watson said...

In order: yes, yes please, and I don't know but I'll find out. Thanks, taking Sherlock along to the polls would not be ideal. To say the least.

Becca said...

I was wondering if I had somehow managed to miss your general election! (Which I almost do, sometimes, because I find it unpredictable, but I do read enough international news that it hits me over the head, eventually.)

What an interesting thing to be voting on! I'm quite tickled, which is probably all those courses on government structure showing through.

Greg Lestrade said...

Becca, it's not a general election, just local councils in some places. And the referendum.

Danger, Sherlock didn't understand at all about voting privacy, or why people wouldn't want others to know their preferences. But Mycroft said he'd never even been to a polling station, which given his interest in politics just seemed wrong!

Anonymous said...

I remember the first time I voted going into my neighborhood polling place. I grew up in a very close knit neighborhood so I knew everyone in the room. They were all so excited that I was now old enough, and so happy to see me. It was like a little coming of age party. I think of it every time I vote now because even though it's only a 2 block walk to my polling place I don't know anyone there. And everyone is so very serious and formal all the time.

Greg Lestrade said...

John, it might not be the most romantic way to make our relationship formal, but you are now officially my partner in the eyes of the Met.

Anon Without A Name said...

I think the first time I entered a polling station was when I went to vote for the first time. These days lots of my friends take their kids along from an early age; I'm quite envious. It's great you're going to take Mycroft, shame he hasn't been before. Admittedly, I am giggling at the thought of Sherlock at a polling station, I don't blame either of you for wanting to give it a few more years :-)

And who says that's not romantic? "In case of an emergency, I want you" says more than hearts and flowers ever could :-)

Anonymous said...

Aw, congratulations! I think. And I hope the Met never needs to make use of that emergency contact info in any way.

I would keep a close eye on Mycroft at the polling station, too, given his demonstrated ability to, er...manipulate the Internet for his own purposes. (Sorry, Mycroft!)

John H. D. Watson said...

it's quite romantic enough for me, thanks. :)

Greg Lestrade said...

Nameless - I can't think of anyone I'd want more in an emergency.

Anon - yes, hopefully never needed indeed. But with all the recent stuff going on I'd rather Danger was officially on the list, with Nicky.

Danger - yeah, who says romance is dead? Although the woman in HR had a hilarious expression when I gave your details.

KayKay said...

N'AWWWW, echoing Anon Without A Name and Himself up above--that sounds plenty romantic to me. :)

(Also, yeah--hoping John's status will never actually be put into practice in the way emergency contact forms intend)

Bronwyn said...

You know, the two of you (four of you) sound a bit like some dreadful serial soap opera.

A wounded soldier with a pronounced taste for tea, he retired to become a nanny. Yes really.

A man with a devastating sexy hair and a troubled past, he's a grumbly DI with a self-deprecating smile.

Together with the two most brilliant children on the face of the Earth, two insane dogs, a plethora of security, police officers, landladies and possibly spies, they're just trying to get through the day before Sherlock and Mycroft accidentally blow someone's ears off.

They are: Danger and the DI.

At any rate, congratulations to you both. It's wonderful to have someone who loves you enough to want to be your emergency contact and that you love enough to want in return.

Later gator,

Greg Lestrade said...

Well, when you put it like that...

On this week's episode, Danger tries to stop Sherlock corrupting the referendum result, and the DI is rescued from a paperwork avalanche by Mycroft and his trusty hounds...

Danger, you'll have to tell me which of my hairs is devastating sexy...

Anonymous said...

Bronwyn, can you write the log line for my next short film. That's way more intriguing than what I came up with.

Lawless said...

I can't help myself: the answer to which of your hairs is devastatingly sexy is all of them.

Sorry for butting in, John.

Greg Lestrade said...

For a bunch of people we've never met, you lot are very flattering all the time. Well, with one or two notable exceptions.

My hair is grey and uncontrollable, that's all.

Danger, have to bring some work home so will try and leave soon, ok? Need anything? Want me to cook?

John H. D. Watson said...

I always want you to cook. Not if you're tired though, I can find something. correct answer to which of your hairs are sexy is the ones on your head. No one has sexy nose hairs.

Greg Lestrade said...

I can knock up something fast if you tell me what we've got or need. I enjoy it - and I know you don't so much. Least I can do.

John H. D. Watson said...

We have chicken, maybe something with that?

Greg Lestrade said...

An entire one, or just assorted parts? And pre cooked, or raw? I'll be leaving any minute, just packing up my stuff.

Did Sherlock's teacher catch you today? I think I had a missed call from her when I was in court this morning. I don't think I'm going to escape this talk. Probably punishment for teaching S bad language.

John H. D. Watson said...

Parts, raw. Also we have a surplus of carrots.

Yeah she caught me after school to say everyone is very much looking forward to your talk. I didn't say everyone but you.

Greg Lestrade said...

And you haven't put Mrs H's teaching in to practice and made some soup or something? I don't know.

I'll try and work out when I have a day off and get over there to do it. Ask if I can have a morning slot, so I can recover in the pub with you afterward.

Bronwyn said...

Carrot slaw! Shredded carrots simmered in butter, cinnamon, nutmeg and a touch of brown sugar with raisins! Carrot slaw! I know what I'm making tonight.

Also, I totally fired that off from my iphone and thus didn't proof read. It should have read devastatingly sexy hair. I've no idea where the a came from.

Kholly - I'm more than happy to help write log lines for short films. I used to write them all the time when I was in college. Though, they do tend to end up very As the Stomach Turns. A bit over the top, really. But fun!

Later gator,

Greg Lestrade said...

that sounds very sweet, Bronwyn. I only think about coleslaw when thinking of slaw at all...

Danger, adding to the original notes, I might have to do a few more nights. Probably going to sign off on a surveillance op in the next week or so.

Anon Without A Name said...

We may be a bunch of strangers on the Internet, but we've seen the photos. Add to that, John's a soldier and a doctor and currently father figure/moral compass to two incredibly intelligent (and therefore potentially more vulnerable than most) boys, whilst you are a public servant with a strong sense of justice and a work ethic that would put my grandparents to shame. Who can cook. So the "flattery" is hardly undeserved. If it makes you feel any better, you're not perfect; you are both a bit fucked up :-p (heh, my predictive text wanted to change that to "ducked up").

Did I mention we've seen the photos?

Greg Lestrade said...

Nameless, back in the 'Lestrade's fucked up again' post, when I thought John was going to leave me for not telling him I was still married, someone called me 'DI Perfect'. I can't tell you how long I stared at the screen for. I almost gave up on the internet at that moment. The thought that anyone could have got that impression from me was pretty staggering.

John is incredibly intelligent, too. I don't know how he keeps up with the boys, they're all way ahead of me.

Mycroft is currently pointing out all the stupid parts (and incorrect grammar) on one of my risk assessment forms for an op I might run.

John H. D. Watson said...

L - Heh. I don't keep up with them. And there's nothing wrong with your brain, you're just as smart as I am. Comparing ourselves to the boys and their mum is not a good move ego-wise.

I remember that comment as well. It was...reasonably accurate actually.

Greg Lestrade said...

You almost keep up with them - as much as anyone can! Just listening to you and Mycroft talking about schools and exams and universities makes me wonder what would have happened if I'd stayed at school.

I did think about doing an Open University degree back when I was a sergeant.

I'm not going to comment on that comment. Nameless has it pretty much bang on, I think.

Bronwyn said...

The trick isn't to keep up with them, it's to keep them interested and learning and as safe and happy as you can help them to be. And I think you're both doing fine. Raising very strange boys who will be very strange men, but you know what? Normal is boring.

Later gator,

Anon Without A Name said...

Lestrade - don't confuse academic education with intelligence; you might have left school as soon as possible, but you have more valuable life experience than most of us.

Greg Lestrade said...

Nameless - Yeah, I hope to be able to impart some street sense to the boys, at least. Don't worry, I don't think I'm thick - but these three all have brains that work in a different way to mine, and sometimes I feel left behind (especially if it's something to do with medicine/science). I just don't have any frame of reference for that.

If, on the other hand, we're in the park trying to guess what's going on in peoples' lives just by looking at them...then I'm not so bad.

Bronwyn, I don't think things around here are too boring for the boys. Ever. Sometimes I'd like things to be considerably more boring.

John H. D. Watson said...

in the park trying to guess what's going on in peoples' lives just by looking at them

That's quickly becoming Sherlock's favorite game.

I think I prefer ducked up. It has the right sense of the absurd.

Greg Lestrade said...

And with that, i'm giving up on paperwork and giving in to the look on Danger's face that tells me he may never let me out of his sight again, if when I return I look as 'wasted' as I do now.

Night all.

Come here, Danger.

Polaris said...

N'awww, you guys are adorable.

Bronwyn, I would totally watch that show.

First election I ever got to vote in was the 2008 Us presidential election. It was very exciting. My campus went crazy when the results came back.

Greg Lestrade said...

First election I could vote in I didn't. What can I say, years of Thatcher being in power, plus me being all disaffected and a bit of a drop out, and not thinking any of them were any better than any others, meant I chose not to.

John, call me before you leave with the boys, just to make sure I'm not out/in interviews etc. And would you mind taking my bag home with you, so I don't have to carry it halfway around London? I'm sure I don't have to explain just how terrible it would be if you lost it...

John H. D. Watson said...

Sure, no problem.

the woman in HR had a hilarious expression when I gave your details.

Missed this yesterday. Because I'm a man, or have you gone and told them my actual middle name is Danger?

Greg Lestrade said...

Well, I did have to give your full name... so possibly that.

And I don't think it matters that you're a man (although that did perhaps add an element of surprise.) But she has flirted shamelessly with me since she started working there, so I think merely your existence was enough to ruin her day, male, female, whatever. She looked like she may hunt you down (which wouldn't be hard, now she has your address.) Tell Anthea to keep her eyes open for murderous blondes!

John H. D. Watson said...

Poor woman. Is she one of the ones Sally claims are going to swoon when you show up on your bike again?

So the Met now thinks Danger is my legitimate middle name? Did you give my job title as Supernanny as well?

Greg Lestrade said...

No, she didn't work at the yard back when I last had a bike.

Genius-wrangler I gave as your occupation.

Actually, I didn't have to put one. But as I gave the home number as daytime and evening number I imagine she thought 'concubine'.

John H. D. Watson said...

That sounds more like a calling than a career, and anyway I don't have the appropriate attire.

Greg Lestrade said...

Speaking of which, we need to buy you some leathers.

Mycroft and I will be a bit late - we haven't left the yard yet. Shall we pick up some take away on the way to you after voting? Any preference? I could even be persuaded on a mild curry (but get you something brain-searingly hot)

John H. D. Watson said...

Thai curry? There are mild ones I swear...

Greg Lestrade said...

Your idea of mild and mine might differ. I suppose I could give it a go, though. Spirit of adventure and all.

Don't want to set a bad example to the boys by not trying.

John H. D. Watson said...

It'll be good, I promise, I'll text you what to get.

Greg Lestrade said...

Hmmm. Ok. We're just on the way to vote now, back in a bit.

Anonymous said...

L - I am completely incapable of eating spicy food and there's plenty of Thai that I love. The place near me has a shrimp lad na that I like and also a very good eggplant an basil thing. While my best friend will burn her tongue off on massamum chicken.

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