21 March 2011

Dogs, death and Danger.

So I imagine most of you have seen John's post.

I feel I should perhaps defend myself and the boys explain, slightly.

I was supposed to be writing this seminar on Crime Scene Procedures. And Sherlock and Mycroft wanted to help (and ask lots of questions). So I decided a practical illustration was better than me just telling them. Sherlock 'just happened to have a recipe' for some fake blood (as you do), so we made that, then I sent them out of the room, set up a nice crime scene, with bloody footprints and a weapon and a body. My body.

And they did brilliantly. Set out the phonebooks to step on, so as not to contaminate the scene, took note of the 'weapon', and the footprints...and then started to examine me.

Which is when John came back. And all hell broke loose. He's got brilliant reflexes. Which isn't the most comforting of things when he's holding a gun, very vaguely pointed in your direction (not at me, but in my half of the room!). So he's shoved Sherlock and Mycroft behind him, to protect them from my attacker, Phobos has broken free to eat the 'blood', I've opened my eyes to discover John with a gun, a large dog in my face, Sherlock yelling to John that he's contaminating the evidence and Mycroft realising what's happening and trying to stop John doing anything serious.

Next time we do an experiment I shall give John forewarning. And ban dogs from the crime scene.


innie said...

I know John's a bit younger than you, but you don't have to try to age him years in a single day!

(No, but, your explanation sounds almost logical and so close to reasonable that I can't help hoping you're not too upset either.)

Anonymous said...

As someone who once had to walk through a school building filled with 1000 boys and 150 faculty members dripping fake blood from falling in my own crime scene, I sympathize absolutely. I took YEARS off my admin's life. Oddly I think the boys hardly noticed.

Lupe said...

Sherlock screaming at John that he was contaminating the evidence! XDDD Dear God, I suppose that reassured John of his assumption that there was an attacker. XDDDD Was Sherlock angry with John for ruining the crime scene? XDDD Well, good thing no one got hurt. :) And I suppose it must be reassuring that John can react that quickly and efficiently when he senses danger?

John H. D. Watson said...

...Er. Sorry. I've apologized to the boys for scaring them, but not you, and I should've. Just realized that now.

Greg Lestrade said...

Innie - I'm not upset, just rather guilt ridden. I hadn't thought it would look anything like real enough to cause concern. I'm just glad it wasn't Mrs Hudson who walked in on us - or we really might have had a death on our hands!

Luoe - yeah, there is absolutely nothing wrong with John's reactions! Sherlock was a bit grumpy about it, but probably more shocked than anything else. Ice cream heals all mental scarring though, apparently.

Danger - you didn't scare me. No, wait, what am I saying? You did indeed scare the shit out of me. It wasn't a scene I was prepared for when I miraculously rose from the dead. But it was my fault, it would have been so easy to send you a warning text, and I didn't even think of it.

John H. D. Watson said...

I don't think I would've thought of it either, if it'd been me. And it didn't look that real once I...er, looked. I just tend to react first in certain situations. Sorry. Next time however, a text would be great.

Greg Lestrade said...

I'm glad you react first in certain situations, don't get me wrong. I'll just endeavour never to create one of those situations again.

John H. D. Watson said...

Heh. I'm still very sorry of course, but now the adrenaline's worn off the memory of your expression is very slightly hilarious...

Greg Lestrade said...

Expression because you were looking murderous ,or expression because a large dog was licking jam off my head? Or both?

John H. D. Watson said...

Definitely both. I wish I had a photo.

Anonymous said...

Um... I just had what might be a really, really ridiculous thought. Or a really fun one.

What if you talked to Sherlock's class about some of the things that you look for at a crime scene? Not necessarily a murder--that might be as upsetting to most five-year-olds as it is to army doctors--but something about looking for footprints, bits of hair, fingerprints, etc.
Then, send them out for recess, and lay out a very simple--again, non-murder--scene for them to come back to. Then see what they do. :0) Although Sherlock will probably take over the investigation.

Like I said. Maybe it's ridiculous, but it may be interesting/fun.


Sherlock said...

Yes, do that! I'll make the blood!

Greg Lestrade said...

Danger - I'm infinitely glad you don't.

LB - i'll drop by to talk to his teacher about it.

Sherlock - NO BLOOD. Not at school.

Sherlock said...

What about pus? I've got a recipe for that too, it uses loads of gelatin.

Greg Lestrade said...

LV sorry, bloody smart phone changes what I type.

Sherlock, no bodily fluids in the classroom. End of.

Anonymous said...

It's okay. I do it all the time.

Eddie Izzard does a hilarious piece about predictive texting that I always think of when someone sends me a message with mis-typed letters.

Also, I was thinking something more along the lines of "Someone stole all the cookies that I was going to bring for you children" than anything to with bodily fluids.


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